J.1 General概述
This annex describes the procedure used to determine residual unbalance in machine rotors. Although some balancing machines may be set up to read out the exact amount of unbalance, the calibration can be in error. The only sure method of determining residual unbalance is to test the rotor with a known amount of unbalance.
J.2 Terms and Definitions术语和定义
J.2.1residual unbalance残余不平衡量
Amount of unbalance remaining in a rotor after balancing.
NOTE Unless otherwise specified, residual unbalance is expressed in ounce-inches (oz in.) [gram-millimeters (g mm)].
注:除非另有说明,残余不平衡度以盎司英寸 (oz in.) [克毫米 (g mm)] 为单位。
J.3 Maximum Allowable Residual Unbalance最大允许残余不平衡量
J.3.1 The maximum allowable residual unbalance per plane shall be determined from Table 19.
每个平面的最大允许残余不平衡量应根据表 19 确定。
J.3.2 If the actual static load on each journal is not known, assume that the total rotor mass is equally supported by the bearings. For example, a two-bearing rotor with a mass of 6000 lb (2700 kg) can be assumed to impose a mass of 3000 lb (1350 kg) on each journal.
如果不知道每个轴颈上的实际静载荷,则假设转子总质量由轴承平均支撑。例如,质量为 6000 磅(2700 千克)的双轴承转子可以假设每个轴颈的质量为 3000 磅(1350 千克)。
J.4 Residual Unbalance Check残余不平衡量检查
J.4.1 General概述
J.4.1.1 If the balancing machine readings indicate that the rotor has been balanced to within the specified tolerance, a residual unbalance check shall be performed before the rotor is removed from the balancing machine.
J.4.1.2 To check the residual unbalance, a known trial mass is attached to the rotor sequentially in 6 (or 12, if specified by the purchaser) equally spaced radial positions, each at the same radial distance. The check is run in each correction plane, and the readings in each plane are plotted on a graph using the procedure specified in J.4.2.
为了检查残余不平衡,在 6 个(或 12 个,如果买方指定)等间距的径向位置上依次将一个已知的试块固定在转子上,每个位置的径向距离相同。在每个校正平面上进行检查,并使用 J.4.2 中规定的程序将每个平面上的读数绘制在图表上。
J.4.2 Procedure程序
J.4.2.1 Select a trial mass and radius that provides between one and two times the maximum allowable residual unbalance [i.e. if Umax is 2 oz in. (1440 g mm), the trial mass is expected to cause 2 oz in. to 4 oz in. (1440 g mm to 2880 g mm) of unbalance].
选择的试样质量和半径应为最大允许残余不平衡量的一到两倍[例如,如果最大不平衡量为 2 盎司英寸(1440 克毫米),则试样质量应造成 2 盎司英寸到 4 盎司英寸(1440 克毫米到 2880 克毫米)的不平衡量]。
J.4.2.2 Starting at the last known heavy spot in each correction plane, mark off the specified number of radial positions (6 or 12) in equal (60° or 30°) increments around the rotor. Add the trial mass to the last known heavy spot in one plane. If the rotor has been balanced very precisely and the final heavy spot cannot be determined, add the trial mass to any one of the marked radial positions.
从每个校正平面的最后一个已知偏重点(heavy spot)开始,在转子周围以相等(60° 或 30°)的增量标出指定数量的径向位置(6 或 12)。将试验质量添加到一个平面上的最后一个已知的偏重点。如果转子的平衡非常精确,且无法确定最终偏重点,则将试块质量添加到任意一个标记的径向位置。
J.4.2.3 To verify that an appropriate trial mass has been selected, operate the balancing machine and record the reading on the meter. If the reading is at the upper limit of the meter range, a smaller trial mass shall be used. If there is little or no meter reading, a larger trial mass shall be used. Little or no meter reading generally indicates that the rotor was either not balanced correctly, or the balancing machine is not sensitive enough, or the balancing machine is faulty (e.g. a faulty transducer). Whatever the error, it shall be corrected before proceeding with the residual check.
J.4.2.4 Locate the mass at each of the equally spaced positions in turn, and record the amount of unbalance indicated on the meter for each position. Repeat the initial position as a check. All verification shall be performed using only one sensitivity range on the balance machine.
J.4.2.5 Plot the readings on the residual unbalance worksheet and calculate the amount of residual unbalance (see Figure J.1 and Figure J.2). The maximum meter reading occurs when the trial mass is added at the rotor's heavy spot; the minimum reading occurs when the trial mass is located opposite the heavy spot. Thus, the plotted readings are expected to form an approximate circle (see Figure J.3 and Figure J.4). An average of the maximum and minimum meter readings represents the effect of the trial mass. The distance of the circle's center from the origin of the polar plot represents the residual unbalance in that plane.
将读数绘制在残余不平衡工作表上,并计算残余不平衡量(见图 J.1 和图 J.2)。当在转子偏重点处添加试重时,仪表读数最大;当试重位于偏重点对面时,仪表读数最小。因此,绘制的读数预计会形成一个近似圆(见图 J.3 和图 J.4)。最大和最小读数的平均值代表了试验质量的效果。圆心与极坐标原点的距离代表该平面上的残余不平衡量。
J.4.2.6 Repeat the steps described in J.4.2.1 through J.4.2.5 for each balance plane. If the specified maximum allowable residual unbalance is exceeded in any balance plane, the rotor shall be balanced more precisely and checked again. If a correction is made to any balance plane, the residual unbalance check shall be repeated in all planes.
对每个平衡面重复 J.4.2.1 至 J.4.2.5 所述步骤。如果在任何平衡面上超过了规定的最大允许残余不平衡量,转子必须更精确地平衡并再次检查。如果对任何平衡平面进行了修正,则必须在所有平面上重复进行残余不平衡量检查。
J.4.2.7 For progressively balanced rotors, a residual unbalance check shall be performed after the addition and balancing of the first rotor component, and at the completion of balancing of the entire rotor, as a minimum.
NOTE This ensures that time is not wasted and rotor components are not subjected to unnecessary material removal in attempting to balance a multiple-component rotor with a faulty balancing machine.
注: 这可确保在尝试使用有缺陷的平衡机平衡多部件转子时不会浪费时间,也不会不必要地去除转子部件的材料。

==Figure J.1 Residual Unbalance Worksheet

==Figure J.2 Residual Unbalance Worksheet Polar Chart