7.5.1 Temperature indicators and pressure gauges shall be in accordance with API 614.
温度指示器和压力表应符合 API 614 标准。
7.5.2 Vibration, Position, and Temperature Detectors
振动,位移,和温度探头 The purchaser shall specify whether accelerometers shall be provided. If provided, accelerometers shall be installed and tested in accordance with API 670.
买方应指定是否提供加速度探头。如果提供,加速度探头的安装和测试应符合 API 670 的规定。 If specified for equipment with hydrodynamic radial and thrust bearings, provision shall be made for mounting two radial-vibration probes in each bearing housing, two axial-position probes at the thrust end of each machine, and a one-event-per-revolution probe in each machine. If supplied, these provisions shall be in accordance with API 670.
如果规定设备具有流体动压径向和推力轴承,则必须规定在每个轴承箱上安装两个径向振动探头,在每台机器的推力端安装两个轴向位置探头,在每台机器上安装一个每转一次事件的探头。如果提供,这些规定必须符合 API 670 标准。
::: tip
解释:one-event-per-revolution probe就是键相位探头。一般来说,流体动压轴承也分为自润滑(或称为甩油润滑)的流体动压轴承,以及强制带油站的流体动压轴承。带油站的强制润滑轴承一般是需要带测振和位移和键相位探头的,但是自润滑的流体动压轴承一般不配置测振和位移探头。
::: The purchaser shall specify whether detectors shall be provided. If provided, detectors and their mounting and calibration shall be installed and tested in accordance with API 670.
买方应指定是否提供探头。如果提供,探头及其安装和校准必须按照 API 670 进行安装和测试。 If provisions or detectors are provided, surface areas to be observed by the radial shaft vibration probes (probe areas) shall meet the requirements of API 670.
如果有规定或提供了探头,径向轴振动探头检测的表面区域(探头区域)必须符合 API 670 的要求。
::: tip
::: If specified, hydrodynamic thrust and radial bearings shall be fitted with bearing metal temperature detectors. If pressure-lubricated hydrodynamic thrust and radial bearings are fitted with temperature detectors, the detectors and their mounting and calibration shall be supplied, installed, and tested in accordance with API 670.
如果有规定,流体动压推力轴承和径向轴承必须安装轴承金属温度探头。如果压力润滑流体动压推力轴承和径向轴承装有温度探测器,则探测器及其安装和校准必须按照 API 670 提供、安装和测试。
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::: If specified, monitors with cables connecting to vibration, axial-position, or temperature detectors shall be provided. If provided, monitors and cables shall be supplied in accordance with API 670.
如果有规定,必须提供带电缆的振动监视器、轴向位置或温度探头所需的监视器。如果提供,监控器和电缆必须按照 API 670 提供。
::: tip
::: If specified, monitors and cables shall be installed on the pump-driver train within the confines of the baseplate in accordance with API 670.
如果有规定,应按照 API 670 将监视器和电缆安装在底座范围内的泵驱系统上。
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