8.3.1 General概述 If specified, at least 6 weeks before the first scheduled running test, the vendor shall submit to the purchaser for review and comment, detailed procedures for all running tests and all specified optional tests (8.3.4). The test procedure shall include the actual measurement uncertainty of all data used in the calculation of flow, head, and power as well as all acceptance criteria.
如果有规定,卖方应在第一次计划的运行试验前6 周(至少),向买方提交所有运行试验和所有规定的可选试验(8.3.4)的详细程序,供买方审查和提出意见。试验程序应包括用于计算流量、扬程和功率的所有数据的实际测量不确定性以及所有验收标准。 Performance and NPSH tests shall be conducted using the methods and uncertainty requirements of HI 14.6 (ISO 9906), Grade 1. Performance tolerances shall be in accordance with Table 16. Evaluation of results shall be in accordance with
性能试验和 NPSH 试验应采用 HI 14.6 (ISO 9906)1级所规定的方法和不确定度要求。性能允差应符合表 16 的规定。结果评估须符合 的规定。
::: tip
解释:HI 14.6 (ISO 9906)是一个关于旋转泵(离心泵、混流泵和轴流泵)的水力性能验收试验的标准,它规定了三个等级的验收标准:grade 1, grade 2和grade 312。grade的区别主要在于对泵的性能偏差的允许范围,即泵的实际性能与保证性能之间的差异。grade 1的允许范围最小,要求最严格,适用于高精度的泵;grade 2的允许范围较大,要求较宽松,适用于一般的泵;grade 3的允许范围最大,要求最宽松,适用于低精度的泵。
::: Mechanical seals shall not be used during the hydrostatic test but shall be used during all running or performance tests.
::: tip
8.3.2 Hydrostatic Test水压试验 The intent of a hydrostatic test of a centrifugal pump casing is to ensure that the design and construction of the pump pressure-containing components and joints are leak-free from ambient conditions to the maximum operation conditions.
离心泵外壳的水压试验的目的是确保泵的承压部件和接头的设计和构造,从环境工况到最大运行工况都无泄漏。 All pressure casing components shall be hydrostatically tested as assemblies. The test shall be conducted with liquid at a minimum of 1.5 times the MAWP.
所有承压部件必须作为组件进行静水压试验。试验应使用液体,在至少为1.5 倍MAWP的压力下进行试验。 The test set-up and/or apparatus shall not provide stiffening that improves the integrity of any joint.
试验装置和/或仪器不得提供可改善任何结合面完整性的加固方法。 Gaskets used during hydrostatic testing of an assembled pressure casing, less seal glands, shall be of the same design as those supplied with the pump and shall be installed without sealant.
在对组装好的承压泵壳进行水压试验时使用的垫圈(不包括密封格兰),必须与随泵提供的垫圈相同,且安装时不得使用密封剂。 The test liquid shall be at a temperature higher than the nil-ductility transition temperature of the material being tested.
::: tip
NOTE Refer to ASTM E1003 for additional information.
注: 有关更多信息,请参阅 ASTM E1003。 If the part tested will operate at a temperature at which the strength of a material is below the strength of that material at the testing temperature, the hydrostatic test pressure shall be multiplied by a factor obtained by dividing the allowable working stress for the material at the testing temperature by that at the rated operating temperature. The stress values used shall be determined in accordance with 6.3.4. For piping, the stress shall conform to ISO 15649 or ASME B31.3, as specified. The pressure thus obtained shall then be the minimum pressure at which the hydrostatic test shall be performed. The actual hydrostatic test pressures shall be recorded. Applicability of this requirement to the material being tested shall be verified before hydrostatic test, as the properties of many grades of steel do not change appreciably at temperatures up to 400 °F (204 °C).
如果受试部件在工作温度下的材料强度低于受试部件在试验温度下的强度,则水压试验压力应乘以一个系数,这个系数为试验温度下材料的允许工作应力除以额定工作温度下材料的允许工作应力所得的系数。所用应力值应根据 6.3.4 确定。对于管道,应力应符合 ISO 15649 或 ASME B31.3 的规定。由此获得的压力应为进行水压试验的最小压力。应记录实际水压试验压力。在进行水压试验前,应核实该要求是否适用于被试材料,因为许多钢种的性能在温度高达 400 °F (204 °C)时没有明显变化。
::: tip
::: The hydrostatic test liquid shall include a wetting agent to reduce surface tension if one or more of the following conditions exist;
::: tip
解释:wetting agent通常指的是一种表面活性剂,有助于使水更好的渗透和覆盖被测试物体表面,有助于发现微小的裂缝或者泄漏点。
a) the liquid pumped has a relative density (specific gravity) of less than 0.7 at the pumping temperature;
在泵送温度下,泵送液体的相对密度(比重)小于 0.7;
b) the pumping temperature is higher than 500 °F (260 °C);
泵送温度高于 500 °F (260 °C);
c) the casing is cast from a new or altered pattern;
d) the materials are known to have poor castability.
众所周知可浇铸性很差的材料。 The chloride content of liquids used to test austenitic stainless steel materials shall not exceed 100 ppm (100 mg/kg). To prevent deposition of chlorides as a result of evaporative drying, all residual liquid shall be removed from the tested parts at the conclusion of the test.
用于试验奥氏体不锈钢材料的液体中的氯化物含量不得超过 100 ppm (100 mg/kg)。为防止氯化物因蒸发干燥而沉积,在试验结束时,须清除试验部件上的所有残留液体。
NOTE Chloride content is limited in order to prevent stress-corrosion cracking.
::: tip
解释:前边已经描述了,如果泵送液体中的氯化物浓度超过 10 ppm(10 mg/kg),则在使用不锈钢时必须谨慎。本条是水压试验用水的氯离子的要求。
::: Hydrostatic testing is permitted without the seal-gland plate or removable seal chamber installed. The mechanical seal shall not be included in the hydrostatic test of the pump case. Gland plates and removable seal chambers shall be tested as specified in API 682. Seal chambers that are integral with the pump are not considered removable.
允许在未安装密封格兰板或可拆卸密封腔的情况下进行水压试验。 泵壳体的水压试验中不得包括机械密封。密封板和可拆卸密封腔必须按照 API 682 的规定进行测试。与泵一体的密封腔不视为可拆卸密封腔。
::: tip
::: Austenitic, duplex, and super duplex stainless steel pressure casing components may be hydrostatically tested in the proof (rough) machined condition (see
::: tip
Any areas that are machined after hydrostatic testing shall be identified on the hydrostatic test report.
NOTE Because of the residual stresses resulting from final liquid quenching and relatively low proportional limits inherent in these materials, small amounts of permanent deformation can occur at critical dimensions during hydrostatic testing. By allowing a small amount of material to remain at these critical areas during hydrostatic testing, the necessity to add material by welding to restore close-tolerance dimensions after hydrostatic test is avoided.
::: tip
::: Tests shall be maintained for a sufficient period of time to permit complete examination of parts under pressure. The hydrostatic test shall be considered satisfactory if neither leaks nor seepage through the pressure-containing parts and joints occur within 30 minutes. Large, heavy pressure-containing parts can require a longer testing period as agreed upon by the purchaser and the vendor. Seepage past internal closures required for testing of segmented cases and operation of a test pump to maintain pressure is acceptable.
试验应保持足够长的时间,以便对受压部件进行全面检查。如果在 30 分钟内承压部件和结合面既无泄漏也无渗漏,则静水压试验应视为合格。经买方和卖方同意,大而重的含压部件可能需要更长的测试时间。在分段的壳体进行水压试验时,需要用内部的封闭装置来隔离不同的段,以及用试验泵来维持压力,这是可以接受的。
解释:在分段的壳体进行水压试验时,需要用内部的封闭装置来隔离不同的段。这些封闭装置可能会有一些缝隙,导致一些水分渗透到封闭装置的另一侧。这种渗透是可以接受的,不影响水压试验的结果。 Double-casing pumps, horizontal multistage pumps, integral-gear pumps (as described in 6.3.8), and other special-design pumps as approved by the purchaser may be segmentally tested. Seepage past internal closures required for testing of segmented cases and operation of a test pump to maintain pressure is acceptable. If testing of sections of a casing at different pressures is approved, each section shall be tested independently at the appropriate pressure. Alternatively, a combined test may be conducted with the appropriate pressure simultaneously in each section.
双壳体泵、卧式多级泵、整体齿轮泵(如 6.3.8 所述)以及经买方批准的其他特殊设计的泵可进行分段试验。在分段的壳体进行水压试验时,需要用内部的封闭装置来隔离不同的段,以及用试验泵来维持压力,这是可以接受的。如果批准在不同压力下对泵壳进行分段测试,则每段都应在相应的压力下进行独立测试。另外,也可在各段同时进行适当压力的综合测试。
::: tip
::: Piping systems fabricated by welding shall be hydrostatically tested. Testing and stress levels shall be in accordance with ASME B31.3.
焊接制造的管道系统必须进行水压试验。测试和应力水平应符合 ASME B31.3。
NOTE It is not necessary to hydrostatically test piping systems assembled with tubing or threaded connections after assembly.
::: tip
::: Unless otherwise specified, single-stage overhung-pump casing components with a radial joint (mean gasket diameter) 24 in. (610 mm) in diameter or less may be hydrostatically tested as components or subassemblies provided that joint design integrity has been proven by qualification testing for the specific size of pump and pressure rating in question.
除非另有规定,单级悬臂泵的壳体部件,如果它们的径向剖分面(平均垫圈直径)小于或等于24英寸(610毫米),那么它们可以作为单个部件或子组件进行水压试验,前提是结合面设计的完整性已经通过了针对特定泵尺寸和压力等级的试验。 Cooling passages and components, including jackets for bearings, seal chambers, oil coolers, and seal coolers, shall be tested at a minimum gauge pressure of 150 psi (10.5 bar).
冷却通道和部件,包括轴承夹套、密封腔、油冷却器和密封冷却器,必须在最小表压 150 psi (10.5 bar) 下进行试验。
::: tip
::: Steam, cooling-water, and lubricating-oil piping, if fabricated by welding, shall be tested at 1.5 times maximum operating gauge pressure or 150 psi (10.5 bar), whichever is greater.
蒸汽、冷却水和润滑油管道,如果是焊接制造的,必须在 1.5 倍于最大工作表压或 150 psi (10.5 bar)的压力下进行试验,以压力较大者为准。
8.3.3 Performance Test性能试验 Unless otherwise specified, each pump shall be given a performance test in accordance with HI 14.6 or ISO 9906 except with the additional requirements of this standard.
除非另有规定,否则每台泵都必须按照 HI 14.6 或 ISO 9906 进行性能测试,但本标准的附加要求除外。 The following requirements shall be met while the pump is operating on the test stand and before the performance test is performed.
泵在试验台上运行和进行性能试验之前,必须满足下列要求。 The contract seals and bearings shall be used in the pump for the performance test.
性能测试时,泵应使用合同规定的密封和轴承。 The seal (or seals) shall not have a leakage rate during any phase of the pump performance test that is in excess of that specified in API 682, or as otherwise agreed by the vendor and purchaser. Any unacceptable leakage during the pump performance test requires a disassembly and repair to the seal. If the seal is disassembled or removed, the seal shall be retested with an air test of the pump using the criteria defined in When the pump is on the test stand and water is used as the test liquid, liquid seals suitable for testing on water shall exhibit no visible signs of leakage.
在泵性能测试的任何阶段,密封(或多个密封件)的泄漏率均不得超过 API 682 中规定的泄漏率,或供应商和买方另行商定的泄漏率。在泵性能测试期间,任何不可接受的泄漏都要求拆卸和修理密封件。如果密封件被拆卸或拆除,则必须使用 中定义的标准对泵进行空气试验,以重新测试密封件。当泵放在试验台上并用水作为试验液体时,适用于在水中进行试验的密封件应无明显泄漏迹象。
::: tip
NOTE API 682 can be reviewed to confirm that a zero-visible-leakage criterion is appropriate for the seals being tested. Notably, pressurized dual seals with high barrier-fluid pressures greater than 600 psi (40 bar) are prone to visible signs of leakage.
注:API 682 可用于确认零可见泄漏标准是否适用于所测试的密封件。值得注意的是,隔离液压力大于 600 psi (40 bar) 的加压双封很容易出现可见泄漏迹象。
::: tip
::: All lubricating-oil pressures, viscosities, and temperatures shall be within the range of operating values recommended in the vendor's operating instructions for the specified unit being tested.
所测试设备使用的所有润滑油的压力、粘度和温度都必须在供应商操作说明书建议的操作值范围内。 Bearings specified as normally lubricated from a pure oil-mist system shall be pre-lubricated prior to performance testing using a suitable hydrocarbon oil.
::: tip
::: All joints and connections shall be checked for tightness and any leaks shall be corrected.
应检查所有结合面和连接处的密封性,如有任何渗漏应进行改正。 All warning, protective, and control devices used during the test shall be checked and adjusted as required.
::: tip
::: Performance tests shall be performed using water at a temperature not exceeding 130 °F (55 °C).
性能测试必须使用温度不超过 130 °F (55 °C) 的水进行。 The following options for testing require approval of the purchaser.
下列试验方案须经买方批准。 If approved by the purchaser, substitute seals may be used during the performance test, if needed, to prevent damage to the contract seals or if the contract seals are not compatible with the test liquid. See API 682.
如经买方批准,可在性能测试期间根据需要使用替代密封件,以防止损坏合同密封件或合同密封件与测试液体不兼容。参见 API 682。
::: tip
::: If specified, seal leakage during test shall require the assembled pump and seal to be rerun to demonstrate satisfactory seal performance.
::: tip
::: Performance tests may be conducted at temperatures exceeding 130 °F (55 °C) if approved by the purchaser.
经买方批准,可在超过 130 °F(55 °C)的温度下进行性能测试。 Unless otherwise specified, the performance test shall be conducted as follows.
除非另有规定,性能试验应按下列方法进行。 The vendor shall take test data, including head, flowrate, power, and vibration at a sufficient number of points, to characterize the performance curve. Each test point within the allowable operating range of the pump shall be no more than 35 % (of rated flow) removed, by its flowrate, from any other test point within the allowable operating range. Figure M.4 provides a graph demonstrating the points. These points will normally include the following and may have a tolerance of ±3 % flow:
买方应采集足够多点的测试数据,包括扬程、流量、功率和振动,以确定性能曲线的特征。在泵的允许工作范围内,每个允许工作区内的测试点与任何其他允许工作区的测试点的流量相差不得超过 35%(额定流量)。图 M.4 提供了显示这些点的图表。这些点通常包括以下点(流量公差为 ±3 %):
::: tip
- shutoff (no vibration data required),
- flow point at minimum continuous stable flow (beginning of allowable operating region),
- flow point at approximately halfway between minimum continuous stable flow and minimum preferred operating flow,
- flow point at minimum preferred operating flow,
- flow point at approximately halfway between minimum preferred operating flow and rated flow,
- flow point between 95 % and 99 % of rated flow,
流量点在额定流量的 95 % 至 99 % 之间
- flow point between rated flow and 105 % of rated flow,
流量点介于额定流量和 105 % 的额定流量之间
- flow point at the end of preferred operating region,
- flow point at the end of allowable operating region if different from the end of the preferred operating region.
::: tip
For units with BEP less than 50 gpm (11 m3/h), Point 3) and Point 5) are not required.
对于 BEP 小于 50 加仑/分(11 立方米/小时)的设备,不需要第 3) 点和第 5) 点。
::: tip
NOTE Based on curve and relative position of rated point to BEP, all of the above points need not be recorded for a given test. The intent of the 35 % maximum-separation criteria above is to fully define the shape of the curve.
注:根据曲线和额定点与 BEP 的相对位置,在某次测试中不必记录上述所有点。上述 35% 最大间距标准的目的是充分确定曲线的形状。 Some higher energy, integrally geared, or multistage pumps exhibit a high rate of increase of the temperature at shutoff that makes it not feasible and/or not safe to test them at shut off. The temperature increase is strictly related to the power density. The power density,PD, can be approximated as:
一些高能量、整体齿轮泵或多级泵在关闭点运行时,会出现较高的温度升高率,因此在关闭时对其进行测试是不可行和/或不安全的。温度升高与功率密度密切相关。功率密度 PD 可近似计算为

Prated is the rated power per stage in hp (or MW) with water;
Dimp is the rated impeller diameter in in. (or m);
Dnozzle is the nominal outlet flange diameter in in. (or m). For double-suction, single-stage pumps, Dnozzle
is the inlet flange diameter.
A typical critical value of PD, beyond which it is suggested that the pump not be operated at shutoff during performance test is 0.286 hp/in.3 (13 MW/m3).
PD 的典型临界值为 0.286 hp/in.3(13 MW/m3),如果超过该值,建议不要在关闭点下运行该泵。
::: tip
::: The test data shall be fit to a spline or an appropriate polynomial (typically, not less than a third order) for head and for power using a least squares method. The resulting polynomial equation shall be stated on the head and power calculated. These values shall be corrected for speed, viscosity, and density (specific gravity). The corrected values of head and power shall be within the tolerance bands allowed in Table 16.
扬程和功率曲线,应使用最小二乘法将测试数据拟合为一条样条曲线或适当的多项式(通常不小于三阶)曲线。得出的多项式方程应注明计算出的扬程和功率。这些数值应根据转速、粘度和密度(比重)进行修正。扬程和功率的允差应在表 16 所允许的误差范围内。
::: tip
==Table 16 Performance Tolerances==
==表16—性能允差== Unless otherwise agreed, the test speed shall be within 3 % of the rated speed shown on the pump data sheet (see example in Annex N). Test results shall be corrected to rated speed.
除非另有约定,测试转速应在泵数据表所示额定转速的 3% 以内(见附件 N 中的示例)。测试结果应修正为额定转速。
::: tip
::: The vendor shall maintain a complete, detailed log of all final tests and shall prepare the required number of copies, certified for correctness. Data shall include test curves and a summary of test performance data compared to guarantee points (see L.2.4, L.3.2.2, and example in Annex M).
供应商应保存一份完整、详细的所有最终测试的日志,并应准备所需的数量副本,经认证无误后方可使用。数据应包括测试曲线,同时要有与保证点比较的测试性能数据总结(见 L.2.4、L.3.2.2 和附件 M 中的示例)。 If specified, in addition to formal submittal of final data in accordance with L.3.2.2, curves and test data (corrected for speed, specific gravity, and viscosity) shall be submitted within 24 h after completion of performance testing for purchaser's engineering review and acceptance prior to shipment.
如果有规定,除了按照 L.3.2.2 正式提交最终数据外,还应在性能测试完成后 24 小时内提交曲线和测试数据(根据转速、比重和粘度进行校正),在装运前供买方进行工程审查和验收。
::: tip
::: For higher-power pumps (> 1350 hp) (> 1 MW), performance tolerances other than those in Table 16 can be appropriate. If specified, pump efficiency at rated flow shall be quoted to the tolerance given by the purchaser and shall be included in the pump's rated performance. If a tolerance is specified for rated efficiency, an additional test point as close to rated flow as practical shall be taken. The rated efficiency and tolerance shall be consistent with the test code being used, with particular attention to the uncertainty of efficiency determined by test to that code.
对于较高功率的泵(> 1350 马力)(> 1 兆瓦),可适当采用表 16 以外的性能允差。如果有规定,泵在额定流量下的效率应按照买方给出的允差进行报价,并应包含在泵的额定性能中。如果规定了额定效率的允差,则应在实际可行的情况下,在尽可能接近额定流量的地方多做一个测试点。额定效率和允差应与所使用的测试规范一致,尤其要注意根据该规范进行测试效率的不确定性。 During the performance test, the following requirements shall be met.
在进行性能试验时,必须满足下列要求。 Vibration values shall be recorded at the test points specified in and in accordance with the requirements of Vibration values shall not exceed those given in
必须在 规定的试验点并按照 的要求记录振动值。振动值不得超过 中给出的值。
::: tip
::: For ring and splash-oil systems, oil sump temperatures shall be recorded at the beginning and the end of the test. For pure-oil mist systems, bearing housing temperatures shall be recorded at the beginning and the end of the test. For pressurized systems, bearing metal temperatures shall be recorded at the beginning and the end of the test. The duration of the test shall be indicated on the test report.
对于甩油环和飞溅油系统,应在试验开始和结束时记录油池的温度。对于纯油雾系统,应在试验开始和结束时记录轴承箱温度。对于加压润滑系统,轴承金属温度应在试验开始和结束时记录。试验持续时间应在试验报告上注明。 Pumps shall operate within bearing temperature limits as defined in and shall not display signs of unusual operation, such as noise caused by cavitation.
泵应在 规定的轴承温度范围内运行,不得出现异常运行迹象,如气蚀引起的噪音。 If operated at rated speed, pumps shall perform within the tolerances given in Table 16.
如果以额定转速运行,泵的性能应在表 16 所给出的允差范围内。 The equipment shall operate without visible oil leaks.
设备运行时不得有明显的漏油现象。 If specified, the performance test shall be conducted with test stand NPSHA controlled to no more than 110 % of the NPSHA specified by the purchaser.
如果有规定,进行性能试验时,试验台的 NPSHA 必须控制在不超过买方规定的 NPSHA 的 110%。
::: tip
NOTE It is the purpose of this test to evaluate pump performance with the specified NPSHA at pump suction.
注:本测试的目的是评估泵在吸入口处指定 NPSHA时的性能。
::: tip
解释:与数据表中的NPSHa相比,过高的实际NPSHA可能无法完全评估泵的性能。比如NPSH3为3.4m,而数据表中的NPSHA为4 m,那么如果试验台在性能试验时的NSPHA为10m,那可能无法评估NPSHA在4m时的泵的性能。这是因为NPSHA和NPSH3靠的太近了
::: The following requirements shall be met after the performance test is completed.
性能试验完成后,必须满足下列要求 If it is necessary to dismantle a pump after the performance test for the sole purpose of machining impellers to meet the tolerances for differential head, no retest is required unless the reduction in diameter exceeds 5 % of the original diameter. The diameter of the impeller at the time of shop test, as well as the final diameter of the impeller, shall be recorded on a certified shop test curve that shows the operating characteristics after the diameter of the impeller has been reduced.
如果在性能测试后需要拆卸泵,其目的是加工叶轮以满足扬程允差,则无需重新测试,除非直径减小超过原直径的 5%。车间测试时的叶轮直径以及叶轮的最终直径均应记录在经认证的车间测试曲线上,该曲线应显示叶轮直径减小后的运行特性。
::: tip
::: If specified, disassembly of multistage pumps for any head adjustment (including less than 5 % diameter change) after test shall be cause for retest.
如果有规定,在测试后拆卸多级泵进行任何扬程调整(包括直径变化小于 5%),都必须重新测试。
::: tip
::: If it is necessary to dismantle a pump for any other correction, such as hydraulic performance, NPSH, or mechanical operation, the initial test shall not be acceptable, and the final performance test shall be run after the correction is made.
如果需要拆卸泵以进行任何其他校正,如水力性能校正、NPSH校正 或机械操作校正,则初始测试不得接受,而最终性能测试应在校正后进行。 If it is necessary to disturb the mechanical seal assembly following the performance test, or if the test seal faces are replaced with the job seal faces, the final seal assembly shall be air-tested as follows:
a) pressurize each sealing section independently with clean air to a test gauge pressure of 25 psi (172 kPa,
1.72 bar);
用洁净空气对每个密封段单独加压,测试表压为 25 磅 / 平方英寸 (172 千帕,1.72 巴);
b) isolate the test set-up from the pressurizing source and maintain the pressure for a minimum of 5 min, or 5 min per 1 ft3 (30 l) of test volume, whichever is greater;
将测试装置与加压源隔离,并保持压力至少 5 分钟,或每 1 立方英尺(30 升)测试体积保持 5 分钟,以时间较长者为准;
::: tip
- c) the maximum allowable pressure drop during the test shall be 2 psi (14 kPa, 0.14 bar).
试验期间允许的最大压降为 2 psi (14 kPa, 0.14 bar)。 Unless otherwise specified, pumps shall not be disassembled after final performance testing. The pump, including the seal chamber, shall be drained to the extent practical, filled with a water-displacing inhibitor within 4 h of testing and redrained. On some pump types, such as BB3 and BB5, if all the water cannot be eliminated using this process, the pumps shall be disassembled as much as necessary to ensure that all water is removed from internal passageways and balance lines, prior to the inhibitor application, to prevent corrosion and possible freezing damage.
除非另有规定,泵在最终性能试验后不得拆卸。泵(包括密封腔在内)应尽量排空,在测试后 4 小时内注入去水抑制剂,然后重新排空。对于某些类型的泵,如 BB3 和 BB5,如果无法通过此过程排除所有的水,则应根据需要拆卸泵,以确保在使用抑制剂之前排除内部通道和平衡管路中的所有水,以防止腐蚀和可能的冷冻损坏。
NOTE Disassembly of the pump after final performance testing impacts the mechanical integrity of the unit as proven on test. Inspection of hydrodynamic bearings can be readily accomplished and is minimally invasive. Inspection of rolling- element bearings is limited to removal of outboard bearing end covers, where available. Removal of inboard end covers requires considerably more extensive disassembly for all pump types and essentially complete disassembly for OH and VS pump types. Inspection of the pump internals disturbs the casing joint on all pump types, the mechanical seals on BB and VS pumps, and the drive end bearing on BB2 and BB5 pumps.
注:在最终性能测试后拆卸泵会影响经测试证明的设备机械的完整性。流体动力轴承的检查很容易完成,而且是微创检查。滚动轴承的检查仅限于拆卸外侧轴承端盖(如有)。对于所有类型的泵,拆卸内侧端盖需要更多的拆卸工作,而对于 OH 和 VS 泵,则基本上需要完全拆卸。对泵内部进行检查时,所有类型泵的泵壳结合面、BB 和 VS 泵的机械密封以及 BB2 和 BB5 泵的驱动端轴承都会受到干扰。
::: tip
8.3.4 Optional Tests可选试验 General概述
If specified, the shop tests described in through shall be performed. Test details and required data (such as vibration and temperature data) shall be agreed upon by the purchaser and the vendor prior to conducting the tests.
如有规定,应进行 至 中所述的车间试验。试验细节和所需数据(如振动和温度数据)应在进行试验之前由买方和卖方商定。 Mechanical Run Test机械运转试验
::: tip
::: If specified, the pump shall be run on the test stand at the rated flow and the bearing oil temperatures measured and recorded. The test shall continue until oil temperature measurements stabilize; that is, when temperature rise relative to ambient temperature is not more than 2 °F (1 °C) over a 10 minute period.
如果有规定,泵应在试验台上以额定流量运行,并测量和记录轴承油温。试验应持续到油温测量值稳定为止;即在 10 分钟内相对于环境温度的润滑油温升不超过 2 °F (1 °C)。 If specified, the pump shall be mechanically run at the rated flow for 4 h.
如有规定,泵应在额定流量下机械运行 4 小时。 NPSH Required Test必须NPSH试验
::: tip
::: If specified, the pump shall be given an NPSH required test in accordance with HI 14.6 or ISO 9906 except with the additional requirements of this standard.
如果有规定,除本标准的附加要求外,应按照 HI 14.6 或 ISO 9906 标准对泵进行 NPSH 要求测试。 NPSH required tests shall determine NPSH3 values at each of the test points 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8 (as identified in based on 3 % head drop in single-stage pumps or 3 % first-stage head drop in pumps with two or more stages. The first-stage head of pumps with two or more stages shall be measured using a separate connection to the first-stage discharge, if possible, or alternatively, testing of the first stage only shall be conducted. Only with purchaser approval, the first-stage head may be determined by dividing total head by the number of stages.
所需的 NPSH 试验应根据单级泵 3 % 的扬程降或泵(两级或两级以上)的第一级叶轮的 3 %扬程降,确定 2、5、6、7 和 8(如 定义)各试验点的 NPSH3 值。两级或多级泵的第一级扬程应尽可能使用与第一级排放口的单独连接点来进行测量,或者仅对第一级进行测试。只有在获得买方批准的情况下,才能用总扬程除以级数来确定一级扬程。
::: tip
::: Unless otherwise specified or agreed, NPSH required tests shall be conducted for each test point by maintaining constant flow and measuring head vs NPSHA data as the NPSHA to the pump is reduced progressively until the drop in head is more than 3 % of the first head value (NPSH Type II test per HI 14.6). The test shall not proceed beyond a 20 % head breakdown (20 % of first-stage head for multistage pumps).
除非另有规定或协商一致,否则必须对每个测试点进行 NPSH测试,方法是保持恒定流量,并在泵的 NPSHA 逐步降低时测量扬程与 NPSHA 数据,直至扬程下降超过首级扬程值的 3%(根据 HI 14.6 进行 NPSH 类型 II 测试)。试验不得超过 20% 的扬程降(多级泵为第一级扬程的 20%)。
::: tip
::: For each test point of the NPSH required test, the first head value shall be measured with a starting NPSHA value equal to at least twice the NPSH3 value shown on the proposal curve at the corresponding flow,or if greater, with a starting NPSHA value equal to the NPSHA provided to the pump during the performance test at the corresponding flow.
对于 NPSH 要求测试的每个测试点,在测量第一个扬程值时,起始的 NPSHA 值应至少等于提供曲线上显示的相应流量下 NPSH3 值的两倍,如果更大,则起始 NPSHA 值应等于性能测试期间在相应流量下提供给泵的 NPSHA 值。
NOTE If the performance test requirement of is specified, it is possible that the head has already been affected by insufficient NPSHA, so starting at a higher NPSHA is desirable.
注:如果规定了 的性能试验要求,则可能由于NPSHA不足而影响扬程,因此最好从更高的NPSHA开始。
::: tip
::: For each test point of the NPSH required test, the second head value measured after the NPSHA to the pump is reduced by at least 3 ft (1 m) shall differ from the first head value by no more than the combined permissible uncertainty of the differential head measurement devices used to conduct the test. If second head value differs from the first by more than this uncertainty, the starting NPSHA to the pump shall be increased and the measurements for head vs NPSHA data shall be repeated, until two consecutive head measurements achieve this tolerance.
对于 NPSH 要求测试的每个测试点,在将泵的 NPSHA 降低至少 3 英尺(1 米)后测得的第二个扬程值与第一个扬程值的差异,不得超过用于进行测试的压差测量装置的综合允许不确定度。如果第二个扬程值与第一个扬程值相差超过此不确定度,则应增加泵的起始 NPSHA,并重复测量扬程与 NPSHA 数据,直到连续两次扬程测量达到此允许允差。
::: tip
解释:为了保证测量结果的可靠性,需要对每个测试点进行两次扬程测量,分别在吸入压力降低前后进行。如果两次测量的扬程值相差很大,说明泵的性能不稳定,可能已经发生了气蚀或其他故障,那么就不能用这个测试点来确定NPSHR。因此,规定了两次扬程测量的差值不能大于测量仪器的允许不确定度,也就是combined permissible uncertainty。这样可以保证测量结果的准确性和一致性。
::: Sets of head vs NPSHA data, one set for each test point of the NPSH required test, shall be recorded and plotted as separate head vs NPSHA curves. The NPSH3 values achieved at each test point shall be marked on these curves respectively. In addition, the NPSH required test results shall be recorded by producing an NPSH3 vs flow curve in accordance with HI 14.6 or ISO 9906.
必须记录扬程与NPSHA数据集,必须NPSH的每个试验点各一组,并绘制成单独的扬程与NPSHA曲线。每个测试点达到的 NPSH3 值应分别标在这些曲线上。此外,必须按照HI 14.6或ISO 9906标准,绘制NPSH3与流量的曲线,以记录必须NPSH试验结果。
::: tip
::: NPSH3 at the rated point shall not exceed the quoted value (see Table 16). Dismantling to correct NPSH3 performance requires retesting of the performance and NPSH required tests.
额定点的 NPSH3 不得超过规定值(见表 16)。为纠正 NPSH3 性能而进行的拆卸,需要重新进行性能测试和 NPSH 要求测试。
::: tip
::: Complete Unit Test整机试验 If specified, the pump and driver train, complete with all auxiliaries that make up the unit, shall be tested together. If specified, torsional vibration measurements shall be made to verify the vendor's analysis. The complete-unit test shall be performed in place of or in addition to separate tests of individual components specified by the purchaser.
::: tip
::: The acceptable vibration limits of each component of the train shall be as per its applicable standards and specifications, except for reciprocating engines (in this case, limits shall be mutually agreed upon by purchaser, pump vendor, and engine subvendor).
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::: Sound Level Test声级试验
If specified, sound level tests shall be performed as agreed between the purchaser and the vendor.
NOTE ISO 3740, ISO 3744, and ISO 3746 can be consulted for guidance.
注:ISO 3740、ISO 3744 和 ISO 3746 可提供指导。 Auxiliary Equipment Test辅助设备试验
If specified, auxiliary equipment, such as oil systems, gears, and control systems, shall be tested in the vendor's shop. Details of the auxiliary equipment test(s) shall be developed jointly by the purchaser and the vendor.
如果有规定,辅助设备,例如油系统、齿轮和控制系统,应在买方的车间进行测试。辅助设备测试的细节应由买方和卖方共同制定。 Bearing-housing Resonance Test轴承箱共振试验
If a resonance test is specified, the bearing housing(s) shall be excited by impact or other suitable means with the pump unpiped, and the modes of natural frequency determined by FFT spectrum measurements and the requirements of through shall be followed.
如果规定了共振试验,轴承箱必须在泵未安装管道的情况下通过撞击或其他适当的方法进行激励,通过 FFT 频谱测量确定固有频率,并遵循 至 的要求。
::: tip
::: Data shall be recorded and stored.
应记录和储存数据。 A separation margin shall exist between determined modes of natural frequency and the following excitation frequencies:
a) multiples of running speed, expressed in revolutions per minute equal to 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 times;
运行速度的倍数,以每分钟转数表示, 1.0、2.0 和 3.0 倍;
b) multiples of vane passing frequency equal to 1.0 and 2.0 times.
叶片通过频率的倍数, 1.0 和 2.0 倍。
::: tip
解释:叶片通过频率,vane passing frequency等于泵的转速(每分钟转数)乘以叶轮叶片的数量
::: Test acceptance criteria shall be agreed upon between the purchaser and the vendor. In case identified bearing housing resonance conditions cannot be detuned, acceptability of the dynamic behavior of the bearing housing(s) and its attachment shall be proven by means of bearing housing vibration measurements during regular performance test. Conditions where bearing housing vibration levels exceed of the maximum allowable values stated in shall then be corrected by means of reducing vane pass excitation levels.
测试验收标准应由买方和卖方商定。如果无法对已确定的轴承箱共振条件进行调谐,则应在常规性能试验中通过测量轴承箱振动,来证明轴承箱及其附件的动态性能的可接受性。如果轴承箱振动水平超过 中规定的最大允许值,则应通过降低叶片通过激励水平来纠正。
::: tip
解释:如何降低叶片通过激励水平,方法有降低vane pass excitation levels的方法有以下几种:
::: In case of an ASD application, the purchaser shall specify the applicable continuous operating speed range.
在 ASD 应用中,买方应指定适用的连续运行转速的范围。
NOTE Regarding ASD applications, the above mentioned criteria are applicable to fixed speed operations. Due to potentially large operating speed ranges, it is often not possible to satisfy all of the applicable frequency separation margin requirements. Acceptability of such conditions can be proven by means of vibration measurements taken during a variable speed performance test (if applicable). In case acceptability cannot be proven, purchaser and vendor can agree on further measures aimed at reducing vane-pass excitation levels. In the field, ASDs can be programmed to avoid certain small operating speed ranges from continuous operation. It is also important to note that, due to the reduced energy in the pump, resonance conditions at lower operating speeds are not nearly as critical as resonances at higher speeds.
注:关于 ASD 应用,上面提到的标准适用于固定转速运行。由于运行转速范围可能较大,通常不可能满足所有适用的频率的隔离裕度的要求。可通过变速性能测试(如适用)中的振动测量来证明这种条件的可接受性。如果无法证明其可接受性,买方和卖方可商定进一步措施,以降低叶片通过的激励水平。在现场,可对ASD进行编程,以避免在某些较小的运行转速范围内连续运行。还需要注意的是,由于泵中的能量减少,低速运行时的共振情况并不像高速运行时的共振那么严重。
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::: Spare Parts Test备件测试
If specified, spare parts such as rotors, couplings, gears, diaphragms, bearings, and seals shall be tested. The vendor shall ensure that the spare parts are available for test at the same time as the original equipment and that all of the necessary components to test them are supplied. The test procedure shall be agreed between purchaser and vendor.