6.1.1 Equipment Reliability 设备可靠性 Only equipment that is field proven, as defined by the Purchaser, is acceptable.
NOTE Purchasers can use their engineering judgment in determining what equipment is field proven. API 691 can provide guidance.
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::: If specified, the vendor shall provide the documentation to demonstrate that all equipment proposed qualifies as field proven.
如规定,卖方应提供文件来证明所供设备是经过现场验证的。 In the event no such equipment is available, the vendor shall submit an explanation of how their proposed equipment can be considered field proven.
NOTE A possible explanation can be that all components comprising the assembled machine satisfy the field proven definition.
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6.1.2 The vendor shall advise in the proposal any component designed for a finite life.
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6.1.3 The purchaser shall specify the operating conditions (including any upset, cleaning, seasonal, etc.), the liquid properties, preferred materials, site conditions, and utility conditions, including all data shown on the process data sheet (Annex N). If the application is a HPRT (pump running in reverse or radial inflow liquid machine), the purchaser shall specify the maximum inlet pressure on the process data sheet (Annex N). HPRTs shall comply with Annex C.
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::: The purchaser shall specify if equipment will be supplied in accordance with API 691.
NOTE 1 Operating companies can invoke API 691 for certain high-risk applications involving:
a) special-purpose pumps (refer to Annex O);
b) critical service pumps and/or;
c) pumps identified in HAZOP, Process Safety Management (PSM) studies, etc. and internal company risk assessment.
NOTE 2 Both the API 610 data sheets (Annex N) and API 691 data sheets can be issued jointly to define all applicable requirements.
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::: If API 691 is specified, the vendor shall identify all machinery components that are not “field Qualified” per API 691 (First Edition), Section 4.3.2 and Table 1.
6.1.4 The equipment shall be capable of operation at the normal and rated operating points and any other anticipated operating conditions specified by the purchaser.
6.1.5 Pumps shall be capable of at least a 5 % head increase at rated flow by replacement of the impeller(s) with one(s) of larger diameter or different hydraulic design, variable-speed capability, or use of a blank stage.
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NOTE This requirement is intended to prevent a change in selection caused by refinement of hydraulic requirements after the pump has been purchased. It is not intended to accommodate future unit expansion. If there is a future operating requirement, it is specified separately and considered in selection.
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6.1.6 Pumps shall be capable of operating at least up to the maximum continuous speed. The maximum continuous speed shall be
a) equal to the speed corresponding to the synchronous speed at maximum supply frequency for electrical motors,
b) at least 105 % of rated speed for variable-speed pumps and any fixed-speed pump sparing or spared by a pump whose driver is capable of exceeding rated speed.
6.1.7 Variable-speed pumps shall be designed for excursions to trip speed without damage.
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6.1.8 The conditions in the seal chamber required to maintain a stable fluid film at the seal faces shall be agreed upon by the pump vendor and seal manufacturer, approved by the purchaser, and stated on the pump data sheet. The necessary parameters include temperature, pressure, and flow, as well as provisions for assuring the adequacy of the design for sealing against atmospheric pressure when pumps are idle in vacuum service. During operation, the seal chamber pressure shall be at least a gauge pressure of 5 psi (35 kPa); see API 682.
为了在密封面上维持稳定的液膜,泵供应商和密封制造商共同确定密封腔的环境,并得到买方的批准,同时注明在泵数据表上。必要的参数包括温度、压力和流量,以及确保泵在真空工况时,处于停止状态下的泵的密封设计满足抵御大气压的要求。在运行期间,密封腔压力应至少为 5 磅/平方英寸(35 千帕)表压;参见 API 682。
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解释:就是说,虽然泵的吸入口可能是真空状态,但是密封腔不能处于真空状态,至少是35kpa。这也是API 682的要求。
NOTE Provision for sealing against atmospheric pressure in vacuum service is especially important when handling liquids near their vapor pressure (such as liquefied petroleum gases).
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6.1.9 The vendor shall specify the net positive suction head at 3 % head loss (NPSH3) based on water at a temperature of less than 130 °F (55 °C) at the rated flow and rated speed. A reduction or correction factor for liquids other than water (such as hydrocarbons) shall not be applied. The datum elevations for NPSH3 shall be the shaft centerline for horizontal pumps and the impeller suction eye for vertical in-line pumps and vertically suspended pumps.
在额定流量和额定转速时,卖方应该提出基于55℃(130 °F)水的情况下,扬程下降3%时的正向吸入高度(NPSH3)。如果介质不是水而是其他液体比如(烃类),则应对基于水的NPSH3进行减少或修正。对于水平泵来说,NPSH3的基准高度为泵轴中心线,对于立式管道泵和立式悬吊泵,NPSH3的基准高度为叶轮吸入眼的位置。
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impeller suction eye叶轮吸入眼如下图所示,就是叶轮吸入口的位置。
NOTE 1 NPSH3 means that during operation with NPSH available (NPSHA) equal to NPSH3, the extent of cavitation within the impeller is sufficient to cause a 3 % loss of head. NPSH3 is a performance characteristic of the first-stage impeller.
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NOTE 2 The datum elevations defined above for NPSH3 are in accordance with HI 14.6 (ISO 9906). NPSH3 values are provided by the vendor and if specified can be demonstrated by test.
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6.1.10 The purchaser shall specify the NPSHA based on system conditions at the rated flow. The datum elevations for NPSHA shall be the estimated shaft centerlines for horizontal pumps and the estimated suction- nozzle centerlines for vertical pumps.
NOTE 1 At the beginning of a project, actual elevations of pump shaft and suction nozzle centerlines are estimates based on preliminary information. As the project develops, the final pump geometry is provided by the vendor and the purchaser designs the final pump installation. At that point, the final datum elevations for NPSHA can be determined.
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NOTE 2 The purchaser determines the final datum elevation for NPSHA based on the purchased pump and the final installation design. The final NPSHA can then be calculated based on the final datum elevation. The purchaser can record the final NPSHA value.
NOTE 3 The NPSH margin is calculated as the difference of the final NPSHA and the NPSH3 at the common datum defined by HI 14.6 (ISO 9906). The purchaser can record the final NPSH margin value.
注3:NPSH的差值(余量)通过计算最终的NPSHA和NPSH3的差值得到(NPSH3通过ISO9906 HI14.6的基准面定义)。买方记录最终的NPSH差值。
NOTE 4 The purchaser considers an appropriate NPSH margin. Acceptable minimum NPSH margins vary by pump type and service. In establishing the NPSH margin, the purchaser and the vendor recognize the relationship between minimum continuous stable flow and the pump s suction-specific speed. In general, minimum continuous stable flow increases as suction-specific speed increases. However, other fa
ctors, such as the pump s energy level and hydraulic design, the pumped liquid, and the NPSH margin, also affect the pump s ability to operate satisfactorily over a wide flow range. Pump design that addresses low-flow operation is an evolving technology, and selection of suction-specific speed values and NPSH margins can take into account current industry and vendor experience.
注4:买方考虑合适的NPSH差值。根据泵的种类和工作环境不同,可接受的最小NPSH差值也不同。在确定 NPSH 余量时,买方和卖方应认识到最小持续稳定流量与泵吸入比转速之间的关系。一般来说,最小连续稳定流量随着吸入比转速的上升而上升。然而,其他因素,比如泵的能量水平和水力设计,泵送流体和NPSH差值都会影响泵在宽流量范围内满意运行。解决低流量泵的设计是一项不断发展的技术,在选择吸入比转速和 NPSH 余量时,可考虑当前行业和供应商的经验。
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6.1.11 The pump suction-specific speed shall be calculated in accordance with Annex A. If the purchaser specifies a suction-specific speed limit, the pump shall have a calculated suction-specific speed not greater than that specified limit.
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6.1.12 Pumps that handle liquids more viscous than water shall have their water performance corrected in accordance with HI 9.6.7. Correction factors used for viscous liquid shall be submitted with both sales proposal curves and final test curves.
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6.1.13 If parallel operation is specified and the pumps are not individually flow controlled, the following is required:
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a) the pump head curves shall be continuously rising to shutoff;
b) the head rise from rated point to shutoff shall be at least 10 %;
c) the head values of the pumps at any given flow within the preferred operating range shall be within 3 % of each other for pumps larger than 3 in. (80 mm) discharge.
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NOTE The above requirements are not necessary for pumps with individual adjustable speed drives (ASDs) controlled by individual flow measurements.
6.1.14 If a discharge orifice is used as a means of providing a continuously rising head curve, this shall be stated in the proposal.
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6.1.15 If specified, pump head curves shall be continuously rising from rated point to shutoff.
NOTE Pumps with a continuously rising head curve are preferred for all applications, but this is not possible with all pump types. Head curve shape is dependent on several factors specific to the pumps hydraulic design.
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6.1.16 Pumps shall have a preferred operating region of 70 % to 120 % of BEP flowrate of the pump as furnished. Rated flow shall be within the region of 80 % to 110 % of the BEP flowrate of the pump as furnished.
% of the BEP flowrate.
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NOTE 1 Setting limits for the preferred operating region and the location of rated flow are not intended to lead to the development of additional small pump sizes or preclude the use of high-specific-speed pumps. Small pumps that are known to operate satisfactorily at flows lower than the 70 % limit specified above and high-specific-speed pumps that can have preferred operating regions narrower than the region specified above can be offered, where appropriate.
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NOTE 2 "BEP flowrate of the pump as furnished" refers to the BEP of the pump with the impeller diameter selected to develop rated head at rated flow.
注2:"所提供泵的 BEP 流量 "是指为在额定流量下产生额定扬程,所选的叶轮直径下,泵的 BEP 流量点。
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NOTE 3 For allowable operating region, see 3.1.1.
NOTE 4 Generally, pumps with BEP flowrates between the rated and normal points require less energy to operate than pumps with BEP flowrates greater than the specified rated point.
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6.1.17 The pump specific speed and the pump suction-specific speed shall be calculated in accordance with Annex A.
6.1.18 For pumps equipped with ASDs, the vendor shall determine the minimum allowable speed of the equipment and record the value.
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6.1.19 The vendor shall provide maximum expected A-weighted sound pressure level (SPL) for the equipment.
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::: Control of the SPL of all equipment furnished shall be a joint effort of the purchaser and the vendor who has unit responsibility.
控制泵的SPL数值,应该是买方和成套责任方双方的共用责任。 If specified, the equipment furnished by the vendor shall conform to a maximum allowable SPL specified by the purchaser.
NOTE ISO 3740 [7], ISO 3744 [8], and ISO 3746 [9] can be consulted for guidance.
注:ISO 3740 [7], ISO 3744 [8], 和 ISO 3746 [9]可以提供指导。
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6.1.20 For pumps developing head greater than 650 ft (200 m) per stage and absorbing more than 300 hp (225 kW) per stage, the radial clearance between the diffuser vane or volute tongue (cutwater) and the periphery of the impeller vane shall be at least 3 % of the maximum impeller vane-tip radius for diffuser designs and at least 6 % of the maximum blade-tip radius for volute designs.
对于单级扬程大于650ft(200m)的泵,和单级功率超过300hp(225kW)的泵来说,diffuser vane(或者volute tongue(cutwater))与叶轮边缘的间隙值,应该至少为3%的最大叶轮叶尖半径(对于导流壳设计的泵);应该至少是6%的最大叶尖半径(对于蜗壳设计的泵)。
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右图,是叶轮和diffuser vane图,可见两者间隙很小。
NOTE 1 The maximum impeller vane-tip radius is the radius of the largest impeller that can be used within the pump casing (see 6.1.6). The clearance, P, expressed as a percentage, is calculated using Equation (1):

- R2 is the radius of volute or diffuser inlet tip;
- R2代表volute(蜗壳)或者diffuser(导流壳)的入口尖端
- R1 is the maximum impeller blade tip radius.
- R1代表最大叶轮叶片尖端半径
NOTE 2 It is common practice for the impellers of pumps covered by this section to be modified after initial test to correct hydraulic performance by underfilling, overfilling, -cutting. Any such modifications are documented in accordance with L.3.2.2.
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解释:by underfilling, overfilling, V -cutting都是叶轮的修正手段。
6.1.21 Pumps operating above 3600 r/min and absorbing more than 400 hp (300 kW) per stage can require even larger running clearances and other special construction features. For these pumps, specific requirements shall be agreed upon by the purchaser and the vendor, considering actual operating experience with the specific pump types.
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6.1.22 The need for bearing housing cooling shall be determined by the vendor, and the method shall be agreed upon by the purchaser. Fan cooling for the bearing housing shall be the first choice. If fan cooling is inadequate, one of the plans in Annex B shall be selected. The cooling system shall be suitable for operation with the coolant type, pressure and temperature specified by the purchaser. The vendor shall specify the required flow.
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NOTE To avoid condensation in the bearing housing, the minimum temperature of the cooling-liquid at the inlet to bearing housing is maintained above the ambient air temperature.
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6.1.23 Jackets, if provided, shall have clean-out connections arranged so that the entire passageway can be mechanically cleaned, flushed, and drained.
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6.1.24 Jacket systems, if provided, shall be designed to prevent the process stream from leaking into the jacket or the heat transfer medium from leaking into the process. Jacket passages shall not open into casing joints.
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6.1.25 Unless otherwise specified, water-cooling systems shall be designed for the conditions on the water side as given in Table 2.
6.1.26 Provisions shall be made for complete venting and draining of cooling-water systems.
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6.1.27 The vendor shall notify the purchaser if the criteria for minimum temperature rise and velocity over heat exchange surfaces result in a conflict. The criterion for velocity over heat exchange surfaces is intended to minimize water-side fouling; the criterion for minimum temperature rise is intended to minimize the use of cooling water. If such a conflict exists, the purchaser shall approve the final selection.
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==Table 2 Water-cooling Systems Conditions on the Water Side==

6.1.28 The arrangement of the equipment, including piping and auxiliaries, shall be developed jointly by the purchaser and the vendor. The arrangement shall provide sufficient clearance between equipment and piping and auxiliaries to allow safe access for operation and maintenance. (For OH2 type pumps, see Figure 40.)
6.1.29 Electrical Classification电气分区 Locations for installed equipment can be classified as hazardous electrical areas or they can be unclassified. An unclassified area is considered nonhazardous; therefore, motors, electrical instrumentation, equipment, components, and electrical installations for unclassified areas are not governed by hazardous area electrical codes.
设备安装位置可以被划分为电气危险区或者不划分。不划分区域代表无危险,因此,不划分区域的电机,电子仪表,设备,部件和电气设备的安装不受危险区电气规范的约束。 If an installation location is classified as hazardous, motors, electrical instrumentation, equipment,components, and electrical installations shall be suitable for the hazardous electrical area classification designation as specified.
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::: All applicable electrical codes shall be specified. Local electrical codes that apply shall be provided by the purchaser upon request.
6.1.30 Oil reservoirs and housings that enclose moving lubricated parts, such as bearings, shaft seals, highly polished parts, instruments and control elements, shall be designed to minimize contamination by moisture, dust, and other foreign matter during periods of operation and idleness.
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6.1.31 All equipment shall be designed to permit rapid and economical maintenance. Major parts, such as casing components and bearing housings, shall be designed and manufactured to ensure accurate alignment on reassembly. This can be accomplished by the use of shouldering, dowels, or keys.
6.1.32 Except for vertically suspended pumps and integrally geared pumps, pumps shall be designed to permit removal of the rotor or inner element without disconnecting the suction or discharge piping or moving the driver.
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6.1.33 The pump and its driver shall perform on their test stands and on their permanent foundation within the vibration acceptance criteria specified in 6.9.4. After installation in accordance with the vendor’s requirements, the performance of the pump and driver as a combined unit shall be the joint responsibility of the purchaser and the vendor who has unit responsibility.
泵及其驱动器在试验台上和永久性地基上的性能,应符合 6.9.4 规定的振动验收标准。按照供应商的要求安装后,泵和驱动装置作为一个组合装置的性能应由买方和负有整体成套责任的供应商共同负责。
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6.1.34 Many factors can adversely affect site performance. These factors include such items as piping loads, alignment at operating conditions, supporting structure, handling during shipment, and handling and assembly at the site. If specified, the vendor s representative shall witness:
- a) a check of the piping alignment performed by unfastening the major flanged connections of the equipment;
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b) the initial shaft alignment check at ambient conditions;
c) shaft alignment at operating temperature, i.e. hot alignment check.
NOTE Refer to API 686 for basic guidelines for conducting piping alignments, shaft cold alignments, and shaft hot alignments.
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6.1.35 Spare and all replacement parts for the pump and all furnished auxiliaries shall, as a minimum, meet all the criteria of this standard.
6.1.36 Equipment, including all auxiliaries, shall be designed for outdoor installation and the specified site environmental conditions. The vendor shall advise of any equipment protection required for the jobsite location (i.e. winterization for low ambient temperatures, or protection against unusual humidity, dusty or corrosive conditions, etc.).
6.1.37 Bolting and Threads螺栓和螺纹 The details of threading shall conform to ASME B1.1, ASME B1.13M, or ISO 261. The vendor shall advise the type of bolting used on the pump.
螺纹的细节应该遵循ASME B1.1,ASME B1.13M或者ISO 261. 卖方应该推荐泵上使用的螺栓类型。
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解释:ASME B1.1为英制螺纹,ASME B1.13M或者ISO 261为公制螺纹
::: If ASME B1.1 threads have been specified, the thread series shall be the varying-pitch series UNC for sizes up to 1 in. and 8 UN for sizes greater than 1 in. All threads shall be Class 2 or 3.
如果指定使用了ASME B1.1 螺纹,那尺寸到了1英寸前的螺栓螺纹系列应该是UNC的可变螺距系列,大于1英寸的应该使用8UN系列,所有螺纹应该是等级2或者等级3的。
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Class 2 螺纹等级是一种普通等级,也称为一般用途等级。它是公制螺纹连接中常见的等级之一。Class 2螺纹具有适度的质量和精度,适用于大多数一般工程应用。
Class 3 螺纹等级是一种较高等级,也称为精密等级。它是公制螺纹连接中更高精度的等级。Class 3螺纹具有更高的质量和更严格的精度要求,适用于需要更高精度和更严苛环境的应用,如精密仪器、航空航天和高科技领域。
NOTE Coatings on pressure casing bolting are sometimes not practical because they can alter the class of the threads. This alteration can affect tightening requirements of the bolting.
注:承压壳体螺栓的涂层可能不适用,因为他们可以改变螺栓的等级。这种改变可以影响螺栓的紧固要求。 If ISO 261 and ISO 262 have been specified, the thread series shall be coarse. Threads shall be Class 6g for bolting and studs and Class 6H for nuts.
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::: Commercial fasteners shall be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of ASME B18.18.2M or shall be procured from distributors having quality plans in accordance with ASME B18.18.2M.
商用紧固件应该根据ASME B18.18.2M的要求制造,或者从分销商那里购买,分销商应该有符合ASME B18.18.2M的质量计划。
6.1.38 Adequate clearance shall be provided at all bolting locations to permit the use of socket or box wrenches.
6.1.39 Unless otherwise specified or agreed, studs shall be supplied on all main casing joints, and all other joints and connections shall be supplied with external hexagon-head bolting.
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external hexagon-head bolting如下图
6.1.40 Fasteners (excluding washers and headless set-screws) shall have the material grade and manufacturer s identification symbols applied to one end of studs 3/8 in. (10 mm) in diameter and larger and to the heads of bolts 1/4 in. (6 mm) in diameter and larger. If the available area is inadequate, the grade symbol may be marked on one end and the manufacturer s identification symbol marked on the other end. Studs shall be marked on the exposed end.
NOTE A set-screw is a headless screw with a hexagonal socket in one end.
注:A set-screw是那种无头的螺钉,一端有一个六边形的槽
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解释:A set-screw附图如下:
6.1.41 Pressure casing fasteners shall be not less than 0.5 in. (12 mm) diameter.