8.4.1 If specified, a physical alignment between the pump shaft and the driver shaft shall be performed prior to shipment and reported to the purchaser.
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::: The alignment report shall document the angular and offset alignment requirements with allowances for thermal growth for the particular equipment.
对中报告应记录角度和偏移校准要求,并考虑特定设备的热膨胀。 The alignment report shall record the actual angular and offset alignment results achieved, the measured DBSE, and the smallest measured radial clearance between each hold-down bolt and its bolt hole in the equipment.
校准报告应记录实际角度和偏移校准结果、测得的 DBSE 以及设备上每个固定螺栓与其螺栓孔之间测得的最小径向间隙。
::: tip
解释:DBSE就是distance between shaft end(轴端的距离)。
::: The minimum radial clearances between hold-down bolts and bolt holes shall be no less than 0.03 in. (0.8 mm) after acceptable alignment is achieved.
固定螺栓和螺栓孔之间的最小径向间隙在达到可接受的对中后,不得小于 0.03 英寸 (0.8 毫米)。 If specified, the alignment between the pump shaft and the driver shaft shall be witnessed by the purchaser.
8.4.2 Unless otherwise specified, equipment shall be prepared for domestic shipment. Domestic shipment preparation shall make the equipment suitable for outdoor storage for a period of at least 6 months with no disassembly required before operation except possibly inspection of bearings and seals. Preparation for longer storage or export shipment is more rigorous and, if specified, shall be provided by the vendor following agreed procedures.
除非另有规定,设备应为国内装运做好准备。国内装运前的准备工作应使设备适合室外存放至少 6 个月,操作前无需拆卸,但可能需要检查轴承和密封件。长期存放或出口装运的准备工作更为严格,如果有规定,应由卖方按照商定的程序提供。
8.4.3 The equipment shall be prepared for shipment after all testing and inspection has been completed and the equipment has been released by the purchaser. The preparation shall include that specified in through
设备应在所有测试和检查完成后,且买方放行后准备装运。准备工作应包括 至 中规定的内容 Rotors shall be blocked if necessary. Blocked rotors shall be identified by means of corrosion- resistant tags attached with stainless steel wire.
如有必要,转子必须封装。封装的转子必须用不锈钢丝连接耐腐蚀标签加以识别。 Internal surfaces of bearing housings and carbon-steel oil-systems components shall be coated with an oil-soluble rust preventive that is compatible with the lubricating oil.
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::: Bearing assemblies shall be fully protected from the entry of moisture and dirt. If vapor-phase inhibitor crystals in bags are installed in large cavities, the bags shall be attached in an accessible area for ease of removal. If applicable, bags shall be installed in wire cages attached to flanged covers and bag locations shall be indicated by corrosion-resistant tags attached with stainless steel wire.
::: tip
解释: vapor-phase inhibitor crystal是一种用于防止金属腐蚀的有机化合物,它可以以蒸汽的形式在封闭空间内形成一层极薄的保护膜,从而隔绝水分和氧气的侵蚀。这种防腐剂的优点是不需要涂抹或清洗,只需将其放入塑料袋或金属笼中,就可以有效地保护金属表面。
这句话中的vapor-phase inhibitor crystal的作用是为了保护轴承座免受潮湿和污染的影响。同时,为了方便更换或清理,需要将防腐剂袋挂在容易取得的地方,并用不锈钢线固定在法兰盖上,还要用耐腐蚀的标签标明防腐剂袋的位置。
::: Exterior surfaces, except for machined surfaces, shall be given at least one coat of the manufacturer's standard paint. The paint shall not contain lead or chromates. It is not necessary to paint stainless steel parts. The undersides of baseplates shall be prepared for grout in accordance with 7.4.16.
除机加工表面外,外表面应至少涂一层制造商的标准油漆。油漆不得含铅或铬酸盐。不锈钢部件不必涂漆。底板底面须按照 7.4.16 的规定做好灌浆准备。 Exterior machined surfaces, except for corrosion-resistant material, shall be coated with a rust preventive.
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::: Flanged openings shall be provided with metal closures at least 0.19 in. (5 mm) thick, with elastomeric gaskets and at least four full-diameter bolts. For studded openings, all nuts required for the intended service shall be used to secure closures.
法兰开口必须配备至少 0.19 英寸(5 毫米)厚的金属封闭装置、弹性垫圈和至少四个全径螺栓。对于带螺柱的开口,必须使用所需的所有螺母来固定封闭装置。
::: tip
::: Threaded openings shall be provided with steel caps or steel plugs in accordance with
螺纹孔口必须按照 的规定安装钢帽或钢塞。 Openings that have been beveled for welding shall be provided with closures designed to prevent entrance of foreign materials and damage to the bevel.
为焊接而开坡口的开口处必须安装封闭装置,以防止异物进入和损坏坡口。 Exposed shafts and shaft couplings shall be wrapped with waterproof, moldable waxed cloth or volatile-corrosion inhibitor paper. The seams shall be sealed with oil-proof adhesive tape.
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8.4.4 Auxiliary piping connections furnished on the purchased equipment shall be impression-stamped or permanently tagged to agree with the vendor's connection table or general arrangement drawing. Service and connection designations shall be indicated. Symbols for all pump connections, including plugged connections, shall be in accordance with Annex B.
购买设备上的辅助管道接口必须有压印或永久标记,并与卖方的管口接表或总布置图一致。应标明服务和接口代号。所有泵连接(包括堵塞连接)的符号应符合附件 B 的规定。
8.4.5 Lifting points and lifting lugs shall be clearly identified.
8.4.6 The equipment shall be identified with item and serial numbers. Material shipped separately shall be identified with securely affixed, corrosion-resistant metal tags indicating the item and serial number of the equipment for which it is intended. Crated equipment shall be shipped with duplicate packing lists, one inside and one on the outside of the shipping container.
8.4.7 One copy of the manufacturer's standard installation manual shall be packed and shipped with the equipment.
8.4.8 The vendor shall provide the purchaser with API-686-compliant instructions for the preservation of the integrity of the storage preparation at the job site and before start-up.
卖方应向买方提供符合 API-686 标准的说明,以在施工现场和启动前保持存储的完整性。
8.4.9 Horizontal pumps, and all furnished drivers and auxiliaries, shall be shipped fully assembled on their baseplates, except as noted below. Coupling spacers with bolts and other items, such as minimum flow orifices that are not part of the assembled pumping unit, shall be separately boxed, tagged, and securely attached to the baseplate.
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8.4.10 Drivers for vertical pumps and horizontal drivers with a mass over 450 lb (200 kg) may be removed after shop mounting and alignment and shipped separately but alongside pump. Vertical pumps with suction cans shall be shipped with the suction cans (barrels) removed.
立式泵的驱动器和重量超过 450 磅(200 千克)的卧式驱动器可在车间安装和校准后拆下,与泵一起单独装运。带有吸入罐的立式泵在装运时应卸下吸入罐(桶)。
8.4.11 If it is necessary to ship other major components separately, prior purchaser approval is required.
8.4.12 Metal filter elements and screens shall be cleaned and reinstalled prior to shipment. Nonmetallic filter elements shall be shipped and installed in an unused condition.
8.4.13 Suitable rust preventatives shall be oil-soluble and compatible with all pumped liquids.
8.4.14 Equipment or materials that contain or are coated with chemical substances shall be prominently tagged at openings to indicate the nature of contents and precautions for shipping, storage, and handling.
NOTE Some examples include oils, corrosion inhibitors, antifreeze solutions, desiccants, hydrocarbon substances, and unused paint.
注:其中包括油、腐蚀抑制剂、防冻液、干燥剂、碳氢化合物和未使用的油漆。 Substances that are supplied with the shipment shall have a safety data sheet (SDS).
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::: If a substance is exempt from regulation, a statement to that effect shall be included.
如果某种物质免于管制,则应说明这一点。 At least 2 weeks before shipment, SDSs shall be forwarded to the receiving facility, to allow planning for handling of any regulated substances.
必须在装运前至少 2 周将安全数据单SDS送交接收方,以便制定处理任何受管制物质的计划。 SDSs in protective envelopes shall be affixed to the outside of the shipping package.