6.2.1 The pump types listed in Table 3 have special design features that prevent them from fully complying with this standard. These pumps shall be offered only if specified by the purchaser and if the manufacturer has proven experience for the specific application. Table 3 lists the features requiring special consideration for these pump types and gives in parentheses the relevant subsection(s) of this standard.
表3列出的泵类型,其设计特点具体特殊性,使得他们不完全满足本标准。如果制造商有特定场合的可证明业绩,那么在买方的要求下,可以使用这些泵。表 3 列出了这些类型泵需要特别考虑的地方,并在括号中给出了本标准的相关分节。
==Table 3 Special Design Features of Particular Pump Types==
==表3 特殊类型泵的特殊设计特点==

6.2.2 If the pump is deemed by the purchaser to be a special-purpose pump, refer to Annex O for guidance.