7.1.1 The driver shall be sized to meet the maximum specified operating conditions, including bearing, mechanical seal, external gear, and coupling losses, as applicable, and shall be in accordance with the applicable specifications, as stated in the inquiry specification, data sheets, and order. The driver shall be suitable for satisfactory operation under the utility and site conditions specified.
7.1.2 The driver shall be sized to accommodate specified process variations such as changes in pressure, temperature, or properties of the liquid handled, as well as specified special plant start-up conditions.
7.1.3 Unless otherwise specified, for drive-train components that have a mass greater than 500 lb (225kg), the equipment feet shall be provided with vertical jackscrews.
除非另有规定,对于质量大于 500 磅(225 千克)的传动系统部件,设备支脚必须配备垂直顶丝。
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7.1.4 Unless otherwise specified, electric motor drives shall conform to guidelines of through, or other standard as approved by the purchaser. The purchaser shall specify if IEC motors are required.
除非另有规定,电机驱动装置应符合 至 的标准或买方批准的其他标准。如需使用 IEC 电机,应由买方指定。 Low-voltage induction motors shall be in accordance with IEEE 841 [up to 500 hp (370 kW)].
低压感应电动机应符合 IEEE 841 标准[最大 500 马力(370 千瓦)]。 General-purpose medium-voltage induction motors shall be in accordance with API 547 [250 hp (186 kW) and larger].
通用中压感应电动机应符合 API 547 标准[250 马力(186 千瓦)及以上]。
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::: Special-purpose medium- and high-voltage induction motors shall be in accordance with API 541 [500 hp (373 kW) and larger].
特殊用途的中压和高压感应电动机应符合 API 541 标准[500 马力(373 千瓦)及以上]。
NOTE API 541 and API 547 are applicable to either NEMA or IEC and ISO, as specified. IEEE 841 is available as NEMA only, as there is no equivalent IEC or ISO standard to IEEE 841 at this time. The purchaser and vendor agree on the requirements in this case.
注: API 541 和 API 547 适用于特定的 NEMA 或 IEC 和 ISO 标准。IEEE 841 仅适用于 NEMA,因为目前还没有与 IEEE 841 相当的 IEC 或 ISO 标准。在这种情况下,买方和卖方就要求达成一致。
7.1.5 Motors shall have nameplate power ratings, excluding the service factor (if any), at least equal to the percentages of power at pump rated conditions given in Table 12. However, the power at rated conditions shall not exceed the motor nameplate rating. The smallest acceptable motor power rating to be supplied is 5 hp (4 kW). If it appears that this procedure leads to unnecessary oversizing of the motor, an alternative proposal shall be submitted for the purchaser s approval.
电机的铭牌额定功率(不包括服务系数(如有))至少应等于表 12 中给出的泵额定工况下的功率百分比。但额定点功率不得超过电机铭牌额定功率。可接受的最小电机额定功率为 5 马力(4 千瓦)。如果本要求导致不必要的电机过大,则应提交替代方案供买方批准。
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==Table 12 Power Ratings for Motor Drives==

7.1.6 The purchaser shall specify the type of motor, its characteristics, and the accessories, including the following:
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- c) type of enclosure;外壳类型
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f) type of insulation;绝缘类型
g) required service factor;要求的服务系数
h) ambient temperature and elevation above sea level;周围环境温度和海拔
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i) transmission losses;传输损耗
j) temperature detectors, vibration sensors and heaters, if these are required;
k) vibration acceptance criteria;
l) applicability of IEC 60034-1, IEC 60034-2-1, API 541, API 547, or IEEE 841.
IEC 60034-1、IEC 60034-2-1、API 541、API 547 或 IEEE 841 的适用性。
7.1.7 Unless otherwise specified, the motor shall be capable of accelerating the pump to rated speed at 80 % voltage against a closed discharge valve.
除非另有规定,否则电机应能够在出口阀关闭的情况下,以 80 % 的电压将泵加速到额定转速。
NOTE Some pumps are equipped with bypasses, in which case alternative starting conditions can be used.
注: 有些泵配有旁路,在这种情况下可使用其他启动条件。
7.1.8 Unless otherwise specified, motors for vertical pumps shall have solid shafts. Motors shall meet the shaft and base tolerances shown in Figure 36.
除非另有规定,立式泵的电机应为实心轴。电机应符合图 36 所示的轴和底座公差。

a Shaft-to-driver mating face perpendicularity and surface flatness. 0.002 in./ft (0.17 mm/m)
b Maximum shaft runout with rotor rotating freely. 0.001 in. (25 μm) TIR
c Maximum axial float. 0.005 in. (125 μm) TIR
All measurements shall be taken with the assembled driver in the vertical position.
==Figure 36 Vertical Pump Drivers —Tolerances Required for the Driver Shaft and Base==
==图36 立式泵驱动器—驱动轴和底座所需的公差==
7.1.9 Bearings in the drive systems designed for radial or axial loads transmitted from the pump shall meet the following requirements.
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a) Rolling-element bearings shall be selected to give a basic rating life, in accordance with ISO 281, equivalent to at least 25,000 h with continuous operation at pump rated conditions.
根据 ISO 281 标准,滚动轴承的基本额定寿命应至少相当于在泵额定条件下连续运行 25,000 小时。
b) Rolling-element bearings shall be selected to give a basic rating life equivalent to at least 16,000 h when carrying the maximum loads (radial or axial or both) imposed with internal pump clearances at twice the design values and when operating at any point between minimum continuous stable flow and rated flow. Vertical motors of 1000 hp (750 kW) and larger that are equipped with spherical or taper roller bearings may have less than 16,000 h life at worst conditions to avoid skidding in normal operation. In such cases, the vendor shall state the shorter design life in the proposal.
滚动轴承的选择应使其在承受最大载荷(径向载荷或轴向载荷或两者兼而有之)时的基本额定寿命至少达到 16,000 小时,且泵的内部间隙为设计值的两倍,并在最小持续稳定流量和额定流量之间的任意点运行时(也能达到16000小时)。配备调心滚子轴承或圆锥滚子轴承的 1000 马力(750 kW)及以上立式电机,在最恶劣的条件下,为避免正常运行时打滑,寿命可能低于 16,000 小时。在这种情况下,卖方应在投标书中说明较短的设计寿命。
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c) For vertical motors and right-angle gears, the thrust bearing shall be in the nondrive end and shall limit axial float to 0.005 (125 μm).
对于立式电机和直角齿轮箱,止推轴承应位于非驱动端,并将轴向浮动限制在 0.005 (125 μm)以内。
d) Single-row, deep-groove ball bearings shall have radial internal clearance in accordance with ISO 5753, Group 3 [large than “N” (Normal) internal clearance]. Single- or double-row bearings shall not have filling slots.
单列深沟球轴承的径向内部游隙应符合 ISO 5753,组别3[大于 "N"(正常)内部游隙]。单列或双列轴承不得有填充槽。
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e) Thrust bearings shall be designed to carry the maximum thrust that the pump can develop while starting, stopping, or operating at any flowrate.
f) Hydrodynamic thrust bearings shall be selected at no more than 50 % of the bearing manufacturer s rating at twice the pump internal clearances specified in 6.7.5.
在内部间隙为 6.7.5 中规定的泵内部间隙的两倍时,流体动压推力轴承的选择不得超过轴承制造商设计额定值的 50%。
7.1.10 Unless otherwise specified, steam turbine drivers shall conform to API 611. Steam turbine drivers shall be sized to deliver continuously 110 % of the pump rated power at normal steam conditions.
除非另有规定,蒸汽轮机驱动器应符合 API 611 标准。蒸汽轮机驱动器的大小应能在正常蒸汽条件下持续提供 110 % 的泵额定功率。
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解释:汽轮机应该能够在不开启汽轮机手阀的前提下,稳定提供110 % 的泵额定功率。
7.1.11 Unless otherwise specified, gears shall conform to API 677.
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