9.2.1 Pressure Casings承压壳体 Axially split casings may have a composition sheet gasket or a metal-to-metal joint; the vendor’s bid shall state which is being offered.
::: tip
::: Pumps for service temperatures below 300 °F (150 °C) may be foot-mounted.
工作温度低于 150°C (300 °F)的泵可采用底脚式安装。
::: tip
::: For pumps with axially split casings, lifting lugs or tapped holes for eyebolts shall be provided for lifting only the top half of the casing and shall be so tagged. Methods for lifting the assembled machine shall be specified by the vendor [see Annex L].
对于外壳轴向剖分的泵,应提供吊耳或吊环螺纹孔,以便仅吊起上半部外壳,并应做好标记。组装好的机器的吊装方法应由卖方规定[见附件 L]。
::: tip
::: If specified, proposed connection designs shall be submitted to the purchaser for approval before fabrication. The drawing shall show weld designs, size, materials, and pre-weld and postweld heat treatments.
如果有规定,应在制造前将拟议的连接设计提交买方批准。图纸应显示焊接设计、尺寸、材料以及焊前和焊后热处理。 If specified, an acoustic analysis of the crossover passages of BB3 and BB5 pumps shall be performed and reported to the purchaser. The acoustic report shall document the lengths of crossover passages within the pump casing, the sound velocity in the pumped fluid at operating temperature and pressure, the calculated half-wave frequencies corresponding to crossover passage lengths and sound velocity, and the vane-pass frequencies produced by the impeller-casing design of the pump. Acoustical resonance responses shall be evaluated whenever one or more half-wave frequency in any crossover passage is sympathetic to a vane-pass frequency of the pump.
如果有规定,必须对 BB3 和 BB5 泵的交叉通道进行声学分析,并向买方报告。声学报告应记录泵壳内交叉通道的长度、泵送流体在工作温度和压力下的声速、计算出与交叉通道长度和声速相对应的半波频率,以及泵的叶轮壳设计所产生的叶片通频率。只要任何交叉通道中的一个或多个半波频率与泵的叶片通频率相近,就应评估声共振响应。
::: tip
解释: acoustic analysis of the crossover passages是一种用来预测和避免多级离心泵中的声共振现象的方法。声共振是指泵内的声波与叶轮通过频率或其倍频相吻合,导致泵的振动和噪声增大,甚至损坏泵的结构。crossover passages是指泵壳内连接不同级的叶轮的通道,它们的长度和形状会影响声波的传播和反射。acoustic analysis of the crossover passages的目的是通过计算和分析crossover passages的声波特性,如声速、半波频率、叶轮通过频率等,来判断是否存在声共振的风险,并提出相应的改进措施。可以使用CFD方式进行模拟。
9.2.2 Rotor转子 Impellers of multistage pumps shall be individually located along the shaft by a shoulder or captive split ring in the direction of normal hydraulic thrust.
::: tip
解释:轴肩就是轴上的突起,楔形分离环(captive split ring)是一种用于固定多级离心泵叶轮的零件,它可以防止叶轮在轴上移动或脱落。captive split ring是一种分体式的环形结构,它可以在不切断轴的情况下安装或拆卸。captive split ring的优点是结构简单,安装方便,可靠性高,适用于承受正常水力推力的联接。
::: Rotors with clearance-fit impellers shall have mechanical means to limit impeller movement in the direction opposite to normal hydraulic thrust to 0.030 in. (0.75 mm) or less.
带有间隙配合叶轮的转子必须有机械装置,将叶轮在与正常水力推力相反的方向上的移动限制在 0.030 英寸 (0.75 毫米)或更小。
::: tip
::: If specified, rotors with shrink-fit impellers shall have mechanical means to limit movement in the direction opposite to normal hydraulic thrust to 0.030 in. (0.75 mm) or less.
如有规定,带过盈配合叶轮的转子必须有机械装置,将与正常水力推力相反方向的移动限制在 0.030 英寸 (0.75 毫米)或更小。
::: tip
::: The runout of shafts and assembled rotors measured with the shaft or rotor supported on V-blocks or bench rollers adjacent to its bearings shall be within the limits given in Table 17.
当轴或转子支承在V 形块或轴承附近的工作台滚轮上时,测量的轴和装配转子的跳动量应在表 17 规定的范围内。
::: tip
解释:V型块(下左图)和beach roller都是转子支撑的方式,转子可以在其上进行跳动测量或者静平衡,动平衡,装配等工作。如下右图,就是beach roller,轴放在其上时,不应该让轴承区域与roller接触,而应该时轴承附近区域,防止轴承区域损坏。
::: |
9.2.3 Running Clearances运行间隙 Renewable casing bushings and interstage sleeves or the equivalent shall be provided at all interstage points.
::: tip
::: Running clearances associated with components used to balance axial thrust or to serve as product- lubricated internal bearings may be the manufacturer's standard, provided these clearances are stated as exceptions to this standard (see 6.7.5) in the proposal and are approved by the purchaser. If the manufacturer's standard clearances are based on material combinations exhibiting superior wear characteristics, supporting data shall be included in the proposal.
用于平衡轴向推力或使用泵送介质润滑内部轴承的部件,其运行间隙可以是制造商的标准,但这些间隙必须在投标书中作为本标准的例外情况(见 6.7.5)加以说明,并得到买方的批准。如果制造商的标准间隙是基于表现出优异耐磨特性的材料组合而得到的,则应在投标书中提供支持数据。
::: tip
解释:internal bearings指的是叶轮背靠背布置的BB5泵带有中间轴承的,如下图红色箭头的位置
==Table 17 Shaft and Rotor Runout Requirements==

9.2.4 动力学 Lateral Analysis
横向分析 Unless otherwise specified, the need for a lateral analysis of a pump's rotor shall be determined using the decision logic set out in Table 18.
除非另有规定,否则应使用表 18 所列的决策逻辑来确定是否需要对泵转子进行横向分析。
==Table 18 Decision Logic for Rotor Lateral Analysis==
==表18—转子横向分析的决定逻辑== If a lateral analysis is required by the process in, or if specified by the purchaser, it shall be performed in accordance with Annex I and its results assessed in accordance with I.1.2 through I.1.5.
如果 中的程序要求进行横向分析,或买方指定进行横向分析,则应按照附件 I 进行分析,并按照 I.1.2 至 I.1.5 对分析结果进行评估。
NOTE Depending on pump design, the first or second wet lateral critical speed of multistage and high-speed pumps can coincide with the operating speed, particularly as internal clearances increase with wear. A lateral analysis can predict whether this coincidence is likely and whether the resulting vibration will be acceptable.
注:根据泵的设计,多级泵和高速泵的第一或第二湿横向临界转速可能与工作转速相吻合,特别是当内部间隙随着磨损而增大时。横向分析可以预测是否可能出现这种重合,以及由此产生的振动是否可以接受。 Rotor Balancing转子平衡 Rotors of the categories listed below shall be two-plane dynamically balanced at low speed to the balance grade in Table 19:
下列类别的转子必须在低速时按照表 19 中的平衡等级进行双平面动平衡:
::: tip
::: The sequence of rotor assembly and balance correction shall follow ISO 11342. For balancing, the rotor does not include the pump half-coupling hub or the rotary units of the mechanical seals.
转子装配和平衡校正的顺序应遵循 ISO 11342 标准。在平衡时,转子不包括泵的半联轴器轮毂或机械密封的旋转单元。
NOTE 1 Table 19 shows ISO 21940-11, Grade G2.5 for all interference fit rotors to speeds of 3800 r/min. This is based on two factors:
注1:表 19 表示了 ISO 21940-11,G2.5 级,适用于转速为 3800 r/min 的所有过盈配合转子。这基于两个因素:
at 3800 r/min, the upper limit of balance Grade G2.5 produces a force due to unbalance of 10 % of rotor weight, which means that unbalance does not have any material effect on the rotor's operating shape;
当转速为 3800 r/min 时,平衡等级 G2.5 的上限产生的不平衡力,为转子重量的 10%,这意味着不平衡不会对转子的运行形状产生任何实质性影响;
for rotors whose flexibility is high (see Table 17), it is not practical to achieve and maintain the rotor straightness necessary for balance Grade G1.
对于柔韧性较高的转子(见表 17),要达到并保持平衡等级 G1 所需的转子直线度是不现实的。
NOTE 2 The mass eccentricity associated with balance Grade G1 is very small, e.g. 0.00010 in. (2.5 μm) maximum for operation at 3800 r/min. This has two consequences:
注 2:与 衡等级G1 级相关的质量偏心率非常小,例如在 3800 r/min 的转速下最大为 0.00010 英寸 (2.5 μm)。这有两个后果:
it is not practical to balance the components to better than G2.5 (see because the arbor effectively changes when the component is mounted;
将组件平衡至优于 G2.5(见是不切实际的,因为在安装组件时芯轴会发生有效变化;
::: tip
the balance quality might not be verifiable if the rotor is disturbed from its position on the balancing stand or disassembled and reassembled. It is normally possible, however, to perform a residual unbalance check to verify the accuracy of the balancing stand.
==Table 19 Rotor Balance Requirements==
==表19——转子平衡要求== For rotor balancing, any vacant single keyways shall be filled completely with crowned half keys.
转子平衡时,任何空出的单键槽都必须用带冠半键完全填满。 If a rotor is balanced as an assembly, a residual unbalance test shall be performed. The check shall be carried out after final balancing of the rotor, following the procedure given in Annex J. The mass and location of all half keys used during final balancing of the assembled rotor shall be recorded on the residual unbalance worksheet as part of the “rotor sketch” or separately sketched and recorded on an attachment to
the Annex J worksheet.
如果转子是作为组合件进行平衡的,则必须进行残余不平衡测试。检查应在转子最终平衡后按照附件 J 中的程序进行。在装配转子的最终平衡过程中使用的所有半键的质量和位置应作为 "转子草图 "的一部分记录在残余不平衡工作表中,或单独绘制草图并记录在附件 J 工作表的附件中。
9.2.5 Bearings and Bearing Housings轴承和轴承箱 If supplied, hydrodynamic radial bearings shall be in accordance with through
如果提供,流体动压径向轴承必须符合 至 的规定。 Bearings shall be split for ease of assembly, precision-bored, and of the sleeve or pad type, with steel-backed, babbitted replaceable liners, pads, or shells. The bearings shall be equipped with anti-rotation pins and shall be positively secured in the axial direction.
::: tip
解释:sleeve type轴承如下1图,均为sleeve 形式的,但是应该使用split形式的。
pad type轴承如下下图。
::: The liners, pads, or shells shall be in axially split housings and shall be replaceable without having to dismantle any portion of the casing or remove the coupling hub.
::: tip
解释:pad,liner 和shell名词如下图
::: Bearings shall be designed to prevent installation backwards or upside down or both.
轴承的设计应能防止装反、装倒或两者兼而有之。 If the shaft contains more than 1.0 % chromium and the journal surface speed is above 65 ft/s (20 m/s), the shaft's journal shall be hard-chromium-plated, hard-coated, or sleeved with carbon steel.
如果轴的含铬量超过 1.0%,轴颈表面速度超过 65 英尺/秒(20 米/秒),则轴颈必须镀硬铬、硬涂层或用碳钢衬套。
::: tip
NOTE The purpose of this construction is to avoid damage to the bearing from wire-wooling.
::: tip
::: Hydrodynamic thrust bearings shall be in accordance with through below.
流体动压推力轴承必须符合以下 至 的规定。 Thrust bearings shall be of the steel-backed, babbitted multiple-segment type, designed for equal thrust capacity in both directions and arranged for continuous, pressurized lubrication to each side. Both sides shall be of the tilting-pad type, incorporating a self-levelling feature that assures that each pad carries an equal share of the thrust load with minor variation in pad thickness.
::: tip
::: Thrust collars shall be replaceable and shall be mounted to the shaft with an interference fit to prevent fretting and positively locked to prevent axial movement.
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::: Both faces of thrust collars shall have a surface roughness of not more than 16 μin. (0.4 μm) , and, after mounting, the axial TIR of either face shall not exceed 0.0005 in. (13 μm).
止推盘两个面的表面粗糙度均不得超过 16 μin. (0.4 μm)Ra,安装后任一表面的轴向 TIR 不得超过 0.0005 英寸 (13 μm)。 Thrust bearings shall be sized for the maximum, continuous, applied load (see At this load, and the corresponding rotational speed, the following parameters shall be met:
a) minimum oil-film thickness of 0.0003 in. (8 μm);
最小油膜厚度为 0.0003 英寸(8 微米);
b) maximum unit pressure (load divided by area) of 500 psi (35 bar, 3500 kPa);
最大单位压力(负荷除以面积)为 500 磅/平方英寸(35 巴,3500 千帕);
c) maximum calculated babbitt surface temperature of 265 °F (130 °C).
计算出的巴氏合金表面最高温度为 265 °F (130 °C)。
NOTE The limits given above correspond to a design factor of two or more, based on bearing’s ultimate capacity. The calculated Babbitt surface temperature is a design value and is not representative of actual babbitt temperatures under these conditions. Bearings sized to meet the above criteria have the following allowable metal temperatures on shop test and in the field (see
shop test on water and normal operation in the field limit: 200 °F (93 °C);
使用水介质,在工厂测试时,和现场正常操作时的上限是:200 °F (93 °C);
field alarm or trip level: 240 °F (115 °C).
现场报警或者停机值:240 °F (115 °C). Thrust bearings shall be arranged to allow axial positioning of each rotor relative to the casing and the setting of the bearing's clearance or preload.
::: tip
::: If specified, thrust-bearing design and sizing shall be reviewed and approved by the purchaser.
如果有规定,推力轴承的设计和尺寸应由买方审查和批准。 If the inlet oil temperature exceeds 120 °F (50 °C), special consideration shall be given to bearing design, oil flow, and allowable temperature rise. Oil outlets from thrust bearings shall be as recommended by the bearing manufacturer for the collar speed and lubrication method involved. Oil connections on bearing housings shall be in accordance with 7.6.
如果入口油温超过 120 °F (50 °C),应特别考虑轴承设计、润滑油流量和允许温升。推力轴承的出油口应根据轴承制造商对所涉及的轴圈速度和润滑方法进行建议。轴承箱上的油接口必须符合 7.6 的规定。 Axially split bearing housings shall have a metal-to-metal split joint whose halves are located by means of cylindrical dowels.
9.2.6 Lubrication润滑 If specified, or if recommended by the vendor and approved by the purchaser, a pressure-lubrication system shall be furnished to supply oil at a suitable pressure to the pump bearings, the driver, and any other driven equipment, including gears.
如果有规定,或卖方建议并经买方批准,必须配备压力润滑系统,以适当的压力向泵轴承、驱动装置和任何其他从动设备(包括齿轮)供油。 External pressure-lubrication systems shall comply with the requirements of API 614. The minimum acceptable system for equipment furnished to this standard shall meet design codes Class II-P0-R1-H0-BP0- C1F2-C0-PV1-TV1-BB0 for systems mounted on pump baseplates and Class II-P0-R1-H0-BP1-C1F2-C0- PV1-TV1-BB0 for systems mounted as stand-alone consoles, as defined in API 614, Fifth Edition. For such a lubrication system, data sheets shall be supplied.
外部压力润滑系统必须符合 API 614 的要求。根据 API 614(第五版)的规定,对于安装在泵底板上的系统,本标准所提供设备的最低可接受系统应符合设计规范 II-P0-R1-H0-BP0- C1F2-C0-PV1-TV1-BB0 级;对于安装为独立油站的系统,应符合 II-P0-R1-H0-BP1-C1F2-C0- PV1-TV1-BB0 级。对于此类润滑系统,应提供数据表。
::: tip
其中II-P0-R1-H0-BP0- C1F2-C0-PV1-TV1-BB0代表的意思是,classII级的意思是(电动辅助油泵,轴头泵),P0意思是油泵为转子泵,R1意思是外部不锈钢油箱,H0的意思是无油箱加热器,BP0的意思是油站部件安装在泵的底座上,C1F2的意思是单冷却器和双过滤器,C0的意思是管壳式换热器,PV1的意思是独立PCV,TV1的意思是带有恒温阀,BB0的意思是没有阀门旁路。
::: If oil is supplied from a common system to two or more machines (such as a pump, a gear, and a motor), the oil's characteristics shall be suitable for all equipment supplied. The vendor having unit responsibility shall obtain approval from the purchaser and the other equipment vendors for the oil selection.
NOTE The typical lubricants employed in a common oil system are mineral (hydrocarbon) oils that correspond to ISO Grades 32 through 68, as specified in ISO 3448.
注:普通油系统中使用的典型润滑油是矿物(碳氢)油,符合 ISO 3448 中规定的 ISO 32 至 68 级。 If specified, the pressure-lubrication system shall conform to the requirements of API 614. For such a lubrication system, data sheets shall be supplied.
如果有规定,压力润滑系统必须符合 API 614 的要求。对于这种润滑系统,必须提供数据表。
9.2.7 Testing试验 For pressure-lubricated bearings, test stand oil and oil system components downstream of the filters shall meet the cleanliness requirements specified in API 614.
对于压力润滑轴承,试验台润滑油和过滤器下游的润滑油系统部件必须符合 API 614 中规定的清洁度要求。 All purchased vibration probes, transducers, and oscillator-demodulators shall be in use during the test. If vibration probes are not furnished by the vendor or if the purchased probes are not compatible with shop readout facilities, shop probes and readouts that meet the accuracy requirements of API 670 shall be used. The vibration measured with this instrumentation shall be the basis for acceptance or rejection of the pump.
试验期间必须使用所有购买的振动探头、传感器和振荡解调器。如果供应商未提供振动探头,或所购买的探头与车间读数设备不兼容,则必须使用符合 API 670 准确度要求的车间探头和读数设备。使用该仪器测量的振动应作为验收或拒收泵的依据。 With the purchaser's approval, single-stage, double-suction pumps may be assembled for testing by driving from the opposite end of the pump when compared to the general arrangement for the contract pump and driver. No retest is required after final assembly. If such an arrangement is required, it shall be stated in the proposal.
NOTE This is sometimes required to accommodate test stand piping constraints.
注:有时需要这样做,以适应试验台管道的限制。 If specified, hydrodynamic bearings shall be removed, inspected by the purchaser or their representative, and reassembled after the performance test is completed. No retest is required after final assembly.
::: tip
9.2.8 Preparation for Shipment发货准备 If a spare rotor or element is purchased, it shall be prepared for unheated indoor storage for 3 years. Storage preparation shall include treatment with a rust preventive and enclosure in a vapor-barrier envelope with slow-release vapor-phase inhibitor. The rotor or element shall be boxed for the type of shipment specified. A rotor shall have a resilient material [but not lead, tetrafluoroethylene (TFE), or PTFE], at least 0.12 in. (3 mm) thick, between the rotor and its support cradle; support shall not be at the rotor's journals. An element shall have its rotor secured to prevent movement within the stator.
如果购买了备用转子或元件,则必须准备在无暖气的室内存放 3 年。贮存准备工作应包括防锈处理和装入装有缓释气相抑制剂的隔气封套中。转子或元件应按指定的装运类型装箱。转子与支撑座之间须有至少 0.12 英寸(3 毫米)厚的弹性材料[但不包括铅、四氟乙烯 (TFE)或聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)];支撑座不得位于转子轴颈处。元件转子必须固定,以防止在定子内移动。
::: tip
解释:支撑座不得位于转子轴颈处,防止轴颈损坏。vapor-phase inhibitor之前解释过。
::: If specified, spare rotors and cartridge-type elements shall be prepared for vertical storage. A rotor shall be supported from its coupling end with a fixture designed to support 1.5 times the rotor's mass without damaging the shaft. A cartridge-type element shall be supported from the casing cover (with the rotor hanging from its thrust bearing).
如有规定,备用转子和集装元件必须准备垂直存放。转子必须从其联轴器端部用夹具支撑,夹具的设计应能支撑转子质量的 1.5 倍而不损坏轴。集装元件应从机壳盖处支撑(转子悬挂在推力轴承上)。
::: tip
::: If specified, a shipping and storage container designed to store the rotor or cartridge vertically shall be provided.
如果有规定,必须提供可垂直存放转子或筒体的运输和存放容器。 If specified, the shipping and storage container shall be designed to allow inert-gas inhibition during storage.
::: tip