6.3.1 The maximum discharge pressure shall be the highest of the maximum discharge pressures as calculated for all of the operating cases. The calculations shall be based on the maximum differential pressure that the pump is able to develop when operating with the furnished impeller(s) at the continuous speed and when pumping the relative density (specific gravity) from respective operating cases, plus the maximum suction pressure for respective operating cases. The pump vendor shall calculate the maximum discharge pressure for the pump and shall record that value.
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6.3.2 If specified, the maximum discharge pressure shall be increased by the additional differential pressure developed during one or more of the following operating circumstances:
- a) operation with temporary liquid of relative density higher than those specified in the liquid characteristics section of the pump data sheet (e.g. post-construction pipe cleaning liquid);
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- b) installation of an impeller of the maximum diameter and/or number of stages that the pump can accommodate;
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- c) operation to trip or maximum speed of the driver.
NOTE The purchaser will assess the likelihood of the occurrence of Items a), b), and/or c) before specifying any of them. Momentary differential pressure excursions are sometimes considered covered by the hydrostatic test margin (see
6.3.3 The pressure casing shall be designed to承压泵壳应该设计成:
a) operate without leakage or internal contact between rotating and stationary components while subject simultaneously to the MAWP (and maximum operating temperature) and the worst-case combination of twice the allowable nozzle loads of Table 5 applied through each nozzle;
b) withstand the hydrostatic test (see 8.3.2).
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NOTE The twice-nozzle-load requirement is a pressure casing design criterion. Allowable nozzle loads for piping designers are the values given in Table 5, which, in addition to pressure casing design, include other factors that affect allowable nozzle loads, such as casing support and baseplate stiffness.
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6.3.4 For pressure casing components, the tensile stress used in the design shall not exceed 0.25 times the minimum ultimate tensile strength or 0.67 times the minimum yield strength for that material, whichever is lower, with MAWP across the full range of specified operating temperatures. For castings, the minimum ultimate tensile strength and minimum yield strength for that material shall be multiplied by the appropriate casting factor, as shown in Table 4.
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==Table 4 Casting Factors==

6.3.5 The vendor’ proposal shall state the source of the material properties from those listed in Table H.2 (i.e. ASTM, ISO, UNS, EN, JIS), as well as the casting factors applied. National material standards other than those listed in Table H.2 may be used with specific purchaser approval.
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NOTE 1 In general, the criteria in 6.3.3 result in deflection (strain) being the determining consideration in the design of pump casings with respect to pressure retention and nozzle loads. Ultimate tensile or yield strength is seldom the limiting factor.
注1:一般来说,根据 6.3.3 准则导致的变形(应变)是泵壳设计中,有关压力保持和管口受力的决定性考虑因素。极限拉伸强度或者屈服强度很少作为限制因素。
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NOTE 2 For bolting, the allowable tensile stress is used to determine the total bolting area based on hydrostatic load or gasket preload. It is recognized that to provide the initial load required to obtain a reliable bolted joint under cyclic loading, it is necessary that the bolting be tightened to produce a tensile stress higher than the design tensile stress. Usual values are in the range of 0.7 to 0.9 times yield.
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6.3.6 Except as noted in 6.3.8, the MAWP shall be at least the maximum discharge pressure (see 6.3.1 and 6.3.2) plus 10 % of the maximum differential pressure and shall not be less than:
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- a) for pump types BB1, VS1, VS2, VS3, VS4, VS5, VS6, and VS7: a pressure rating equal to that of an ASME B16.5, Class 150 steel flange of material grade corresponding to that of the pressure casing;
对于BB1,VS1,VS2,VS3,VS4,VS5,VS6和VS7来说,压力等级应该等于ASME B16.5中的class 150钢制法兰的等级,法兰材料对应泵壳材料。
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NOTE For the purpose of this provision, ISO 7005-1 PN20 and EN 1759-1, Class 150 are equivalent to ASME B16.5, Class 150.
注:就本规定而言,ISO 7005-1 PN20和EN 1759-1 Class150与ASME B 16.5 class150是等效的。
- b) for all other pump types: a gauge pressure rating equal to at least 600 psi (4 MPa; 40 bar) at 100 °F (38 °C).
对于其他泵型,在100°F (38 °C)的温度下,压力等级(表压)应该至少等于600PSI(4MPa;40bar)
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6.3.7 The pump-seal chamber and seal gland shall have a pressure-temperature rating at least equal to the MAWP and temperature of the pump casing to which it is attached, in accordance with API 682, Fourth Edition, Section 3.1.52.
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6.3.8 If specified, pump types VS6, VS7, OH6, BB3, BB4, and BB5 may be designed for dual pressure ratings. The purchaser should consider installation of relief valves on the suction side of such installations. If specified, suction regions shall be designed for the same MAWP as the discharge section.
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6.3.9 Unless otherwise specified, MAWP of pressure casings for HPRTs shall be at least equal to the maximum inlet pressure or the minimum MAWP values specified by 6.3.6, whichever is greater. If a relief valve is provided on the downstream piping before the first block valve, the MAWP of the low-pressure region of the casing shall be at least equal to the specified relief valve set point.
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6.3.10 The pressure casing shall be designed with a corrosion allowance to meet the requirements of 6.1.1. Unless otherwise specified, the minimum corrosion allowance shall be 0.12 in. (3 mm).
承压壳体的设计应该考虑腐蚀余量的要求,满足6.1.1的要求。除非另有规定,最小腐蚀余量应该是 0.12 in. (3 mm)
NOTE The vendor is encouraged to propose alternative corrosion allowances for consideration if materials of construction with superior corrosion resistance are employed without affecting safety and reliability.
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6.3.11 The inner casing of double-casing pumps shall be designed to withstand the maximum differential pressure or 50 psi (350 kPa, 3.5 bar), whichever is greater.
双壳体泵的内层壳体,应该设计成能承受最大压差或者50 psi (350 kPa, 3.5 bar),两者取大值。
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6.3.12 Unless otherwise specified, pumps with radially split casings are required in services for any of the following operating conditions:
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a) pumping temperature of 400 °F (200 °C) or higher;
泵送温度大于等于400 °F (200 °C)
b) liquids with a relative density of less than 0.7 at the specified pumping temperature;
c) liquids at a rated discharge gauge pressure above 1450 psi (10 MPa, 100 bar);
额定排出口的液体压力(表压)大于1450 psi (10 MPa, 100 bar);
d) liquid temperature transients greater than 100 °F (55 °C);
泵送液体温度的瞬变超过100 °F (55 °C)
e) liquid temperature transients that cause casing metal temperature change rates greater than 5 °F (3 °C) per minute.
泵送液体的温度瞬变引起泵壳金属温度变化超过 5 °F (3 °C)
NOTE 1 Axially split casings have been used successfully beyond the limits given above, particularly for pipeline applications at higher pressure and with lower relative density (specific gravity). The success of such applications depends on the margin between design pressure and rated pressure, the manufacturer s experience with similar applications, the design and manufacture of the split joint, and the user s ability to correctly remake the split joint in the field. The purchaser usually considers these factors before specifying an axially split casing for conditions beyond the above limits.
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NOTE 2 Items d) and e) are for operating cases where a pump can be “shocked” if pumping liquids with different temperatures. These temperature transients tend to occur during start-up for a pump that is not warmed-up or cooled down ahead of the introduction of process liquid. Item d) is addressing step-changes in pumped liquid temperature, and Item e) addresses a slower rate of change in temperature but still exceeds the casing material temperature change rate.
注2:d)项和e)项用于泵送不同温度液体的运行情况,可能会引起泵的“冲击”。这些温度瞬变往往发生在泵启动过程中,因为泵在引入工艺液体之前没有预热或冷却。d) 项针对的是泵送液体温度的阶跃变化,而 e) 项针对的是温度变化率较慢但仍超过外壳材料温度变化率的情况。
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6.3.13 Radially split casings shall have metal-to-metal fits, with confined controlled-compression gaskets, such as an O-ring or a spiral-wound type. Gaskets other than spiral-wound may be proposed and furnished if proven suitable for service and approved by the purchaser. Radially split pressure casing joints and bolting shall be designed to seat a spiral-wound gasket (see for VS type pumps).
径向剖分的壳体应采用金属对金属的配合,并配有受限受控的压缩垫圈,如 O 形环或缠绕垫。如果证明适合使用并经买方批准,可提供并使用缠绕垫以外的垫圈。径向剖分的承压泵壳结合面和螺柱连接应设计为缠绕垫形式(参见,VS 型泵)。
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NOTE Table H.1 shows only spiral-wound gaskets for casing joints. Spiral-wound gaskets are generally preferred because they are perceived by users to have had better availability, are more conducive to material identification, have a broader chemical compatibility and temperature range, contact a wider sealing surface (are less susceptible to leakage because of sealing surface irregularities), and are easier to handle and store than O-rings. API 682 specifically requires O- ring gaskets on low-temperature [ 350 °F (175 °C)] pressure-seal gland plates.
注:表H.1展示了结合面的缠绕垫。通常推荐缠绕垫,因为用户认为它们的可用性更好,更有利于材料识别,具有更广泛的化学兼容性和温度范围,接触更宽的密封面(不易因密封面不规则而发生泄漏),并且比 O 形圈更易于处理和储存。API 682 明确要求在低温[350 °F (175 °C)]承压密封格兰板上使用 O 形圈垫片.
6.3.14 Centerline-supported pump casings shall be used for all horizontal pumps except as allowed in
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6.3.15 O-ring sealing surfaces, including all grooves and bores, shall have a maximum surface roughness average value, Ra, of 63 μin. (1.6 μm) for static O-rings and 32 μin. (0.8 μm) for the surface against which dynamic O-rings slide. Bores shall have a minimum 0.12 in. (3 mm) radius or a minimum 0.06 in. (1.5 mm) chamfered lead-in for static O-rings and a minimum 0.08 in. (2 mm) chamfered lead-in for dynamic O-rings. Chamfers shall have a maximum angle of 30°.
包括沟槽和孔在内,所有的O型圈密封处的最大表面平均粗糙度,对于静态O型圈Ra= 63 μin. (1.6 μm),对于动态O型圈Ra= 32 μin. (0.8 μm)。 对于静态 O 形圈,孔的半径不得小于 0.12 英寸 (3 毫米)或倒角引脚不得小于 0.06 英寸 (1.5 毫米);对于动态 O 形圈,倒角引脚不得小于 0.08 英寸 (2 毫米)。倒角的最大角度为 30°。
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解释:倒角引脚(chamfered lead-in)如下图所示的倒角的长直角边,30°就是下图中的倒角。
6.3.16 Spiral-wound gasket sealing surfaces shall have a maximum surface roughness average value, Ra, of 250 μin (6.4 μm) and minimum surface roughness average value of 125 μin (3.2 μm).
缠绕垫的密封表面的最大表面平均粗糙度Ra250 μin (6.4 μm),最小表面平均粗糙度Ra125 μin (3.2 μm).
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6.3.17 Jackscrews shall be provided to facilitate disassembly of the casing. One of the contacting faces shall be relieved (counter-bored or recessed) to prevent a leaking joint or an improper fit caused by marring of the face.
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解释:就是泵壳需要带顶丝,泵壳接合面应该钻孔或提供槽。Counterbore hole的示意图如下。
6.3.18 The use of threaded holes in pressure parts shall be minimized. To prevent leakage in pressure sections of casings, metal, equal in thickness to at least half the nominal bolt or stud diameter, plus the allowance for corrosion, shall be left around and below the bottom of drilled and threaded holes.
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6.3.19 Internal bolting shall be of a material fully resistant to corrosive attack by the pumped liquid.
6.3.20 If the manufacture of cast pressure casing parts requires the use of openings for core support, core removal, or waterway inspection and cleaning, these openings shall be designed so they can be closed by welding, using an appropriate, qualified weld procedure, during the completion of casting manufacture.
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解释:这是铸造过程中的专业术语,core support是一种用于支撑铸型内部的芯子的开口或者装置。芯子是一种用于形成铸件内部空腔或者复杂形状的模具,通常由砂或者金属制成。core support可以帮助固定芯子的位置,防止其在铸造过程中移动或者变形。core support也可以方便在铸造完成后移除芯子,或者检查和清洗铸件内部的水路。
6.3.21 If specified, the main casing joint studs and nuts shall be designed for the use of hydraulic bolt tensioning. Procedures and extent of special tooling provided by the vendor shall be agreed.
NOTE Hydraulic bolt tensioning of casing bolt studs and nuts is generally applicable to specific pump types such as BB3 and BB5.
注:壳体螺栓螺柱和螺母的液压张紧一般适用于特定类型的泵,如 BB3 和 BB5。
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