9.3.1 General概述 Specified discharge pressure shall be at the purchaser discharge connection. Hydraulic performance shall be corrected for column static and friction head losses. Bowl or pump casing performance curves shall be furnished with the correction indicated.
::: tip
::: It is not necessary that bearing housings for vertically suspended pumps be arranged so that bearings can be replaced without disturbing pump drives or mountings.
垂直悬吊泵的轴承箱,不必布置成可以在不影响泵驱动装置或安装的情况下更换轴承的形式。 A minimum of four alignment-positioning screws shall be provided for each driver to facilitate horizontal adjustment for shaft alignment.
每个驱动器至少应有四个对中螺钉,以方便水平调整轴的对中。 Driver supports of vertically suspended pumps that utilize thrust bearings in the driver shall be steel.
9.3.2 Pressure Casings承压壳体 Jackscrews and casing alignment dowels are not required for rabbeted bowl assemblies.
::: tip
解释:rabbeted bowl如下图
::: Pumps shall be provided with vent connections for suction barrels and seal chambers.
::: tip
::: Assemblies designed for O-ring seals only do not require flanges and bolting designed to seat a spiral-wound gasket (see 6.3.13).
仅为 O 型圈密封而设计的组件,不需要法兰和螺栓来固定缠绕垫圈(见 6.3.13)。 Suction barrels or cans shall be designed with either elliptical (of either ellipsoidal or torispherical shapes) or flat plate bottom heads of adequate wall thickness for MAWP within tensile stress limits (see 6.3.4). All welds of suction barrels shall be full-penetration welds (see
::: tip
::: If specified, suction barrels or cans shall be designed with only elliptical bottom heads of either ellipsoidal or torispherical shapes. This option facilitates weld inspections by radiography (see
解释:因此,VS6泵在第11版时的示例图如下左图,而在12版中变成了下右图。 Longitudinal welds of seam-welded pipe used to fabricate pressure casing walls of pump heads and suction barrels shall be inspected by radiography, with 100 % coverage in accordance with, prior to component fabrication.
用于制造泵头和吸入筒的承压泵壳缝焊管的纵向焊缝,在部件制造之前,必须按照 进行射线检查,覆盖率必须达到 100%。
::: tip
解释:seam-welded pipe之前解释过,VS泵的外筒体大多都是钢板卷焊的,因此带有长焊缝。
::: If specified, pressure casing walls of pump heads and suction barrels or cans shall be fabricated of seamless pipe in accordance with ASTM A106, ASTM A53, ISO 3183, or API 5L material specifications.
如果有规定,泵头和吸入筒或罐的承压泵壳壁,必须使用符合 ASTM A106、ASTM A53、ISO 3183 或 API 5L 材料规格的无缝管制造。 For VS pumps with bowl OD of 8 in. (200 mm) or smaller, 0.31 in. (8 mm) fasteners are acceptable.
对于泵碗外径为 8 英寸 (200 毫米)或更小的 VS 泵,可使用 0.31 英寸 (8 毫米)的紧固件。 For VS1, VS2, and VS3 type pumps designed to be installed in pressure vessels or tanks, the component that constitutes the pressure casing is the discharge head.
对于设计安装在压力容器或储罐中的 VS1、VS2 和 VS3 型泵,构成承压外壳的部件是排出头。
::: tip
解释:VS泵的discharge head如下图所示
::: For VS6 and VS7 type pumps, the components that constitute the pressure casing are the discharge head and the suction can.
对于 VS6 和 VS7 型泵,构成承压泵壳的部件是排出头和吸入罐。
9.3.3 Rotors转子 All pump shafts shall be machined or ground and finished throughout their entire length. The TIR shall not exceed 0.0005 in./ft (40 μm/m) of length. TIR runout shall be inspected at lengths of 4 ft (1.2 m) or less.
所有泵轴均应在其整个长度上进行加工或磨削和精加工。TIR 不得超过0.0005 英寸 / 英尺 (40 μm/m)。在长度为 4 英尺 (1.2 米)或以下时,应检查 TIR 跳动。
::: tip
::: The pump shaft shall be in one piece unless otherwise approved by the purchaser (because of total shaft length or shipping restrictions).
::: tip
9.3.4 Wear Parts and Running Clearances
易损件和运行间隙 Renewable casing bushings shall be provided at all interstage and other bushing locations.
必须在所有级间和其他衬套位置提供可更换泵壳衬套。 The running clearances specified in 6.7.5 do not apply to the clearances of bushings. The clearances used shall be stated in the proposal and approved by the purchaser.
6.7.5 中规定的运行间隙不适用于衬套间隙。所使用的间隙应在投标书中说明并经买方批准。 Pumps with semi-open impellers in an erosive service shall have a replaceable casing liner.
9.3.5 Dynamics动力学
If specified, the vendor shall furnish a dynamic analysis of the complete pump (which includes belowground components) and driver structure on its foundation or support structure to confirm acceptability of the design. The purchaser and the vendor shall agree on the extent, method, and acceptance criteria for this analysis.
NOTE 1 Vertically suspended pumps are generally flexible structures with running speeds located between natural frequencies. As such, they are susceptible to resonant vibration if their separation margins are not verified during design. Typically, the deflection of the foundation represents less than 5 % of the total deflection of the structural elements. Aportion of the foundation or support structure can be included in the dynamic analysis; however, if foundation data are not available when the analysis is being conducted, an agreed-upon vertical stiffness value can be used as a minimum. Generally, an acceptance criteria of 20 % above and 15 % below running speed margin of separation is maintained between all the natural frequencies of the complete pump and driver structure and the rotational speed.
注 1:垂直悬吊泵通常为柔性结构,运行速度介于自然频率之间。因此,如果在设计时未对其隔离裕度进行验证,则很容易产生共振振动。通常情况下,地基挠度小于结构件总挠度的 5%。地基或支撑结构的一部分可包括在动态分析中;但是,如果在进行分析时无法获得地基数据,则可使用最低的商定的垂直刚度值。一般情况下,整个泵和驱动器结构的所有固有频率与转速之间应保持:高于运行速度 20% 和低于运行速度 15% 的裕度。
NOTE 2 Models are usually detailed enough to address not only aboveground motor/discharge head assemblies but belowground components as well with appropriate internal and external fluid added mass effects. Column bending modes up to the third bending mode that are potentially excited by 1.0 times rotational speed are normally considered.
注 2:模型通常要足够详细,不仅要考虑地面上的电机/泵出口组件,还要考虑地下组件以及适当的内部和外部流体附加质量效应。通常会考虑 1.0 倍转速可能激发的排出管弯曲模态(从一阶到三阶)。
NOTE 3 Detailed guidelines for the application and methodology of structural dynamic analyses to vertically suspended pumps are available from HI 9.6.8. API 684 can also be referenced for further guidance.
注 3 :有关垂直悬吊泵结构动态分析的应用和方法的详细指南,请参见 HI 9.6.8。还可参考 API 684 以获得进一步指导。
NOTE 4 If natural frequencies cannot be shifted to meet separation margins, then a forced response analysis can be conducted to assess vibration levels and determine the suitability of operating on or near a structural natural frequency. Levels of damping and excitation forces will then be agreed upon by both the vendor and the purchaser.
注 4:如果固有频率无法移动以满足隔离裕度,则可进行强迫响应分析,以评估振动级别,并确定是否适合在结构固有频率上或其附近运行。然后由卖方和买方商定阻尼和激振力的水平。
9.3.6 Bushings and Bearings衬套和轴承 Bushings shall be suitably corrosion-resistant and abrasion-resistant for the specified product and temperature. The maximum spacing between shaft bushings shall be in accordance with Figure 41 in order to maintain the first critical speed above the maximum allowable continuous speed.
衬套必须具有与规定的产品和温度相适应的耐腐蚀性和耐磨性。轴衬之间的最大间距应符合图 41,以保持第一临界转速高于最大允许连续转速。
X shaft diameter, expressed in inches (millimeters)
Y maximum bushing spacing, expressed in inches (millimeters)
a Curves for various rotational speeds, expressed in revolutions per minute.
::: tip
==Figure 41 Maximum Spacing Between Shaft Guide Bushings==
==图41—轴导向衬套的最大间距== Thrust bearings that are integral with the driver shall meet the requirements of 7.1.9. Thrust bearings and housings integral with the pump shall meet the applicable requirements of 6.10. To allow axial rotor adjustment and oil lubrication, the integral pump thrust bearing shall be mounted with an interference fit on a slide-fit, key-driven sleeve.
与驱动器一体的止推轴承必须符合 7.1.9 的要求。与泵一体的止推轴承和轴承箱必须符合 6.10 的适用要求。为便于对转子进行轴向调整和油润滑,与泵一体的止推轴承必须以过盈配合方式安装在滑动配合的键驱动轴套上。
::: tip
::: Except for sump pumps of type VS4, the first-stage impeller shall be located between bushings.
除 VS4 型坑泵外,第一级叶轮应位于衬套之间。
::: tip
NOTE Although between-bushing first-stage impellers can result in superior rotor support, certain applications, such as for sumps, require superior suction performance and can benefit from an overhung first-stage impeller arrangement.
::: tip
9.3.7 Lubrication润滑
Bushings in vertical pumps are normally lubricated by the liquid pumped. Alternative methods of lubrication shall be proposed if the pumped liquid is not suitable.
::: tip
9.3.8 Accessories附件 Drivers驱动器 Pumps and motor assemblies that can be damaged by reverse rotation shall be provided with a nonreverse ratchet or another purchaser-approved device to prevent reverse rotation.
反向旋转可能损坏的泵和电机组件必须配备一个非反向棘轮或其他经买方批准的装置,以防止其反向旋转。 Unless otherwise specified, motors for vertical pumps shall have solid shafts. If the pump thrust bearings are in the motor, the motors shall meet the shaft and base tolerances shown in Figure 36.
除非另有规定,立式泵的电机应为实心轴。如果泵的止推轴承位于电机内,则电机应符合图 36 所示的轴和底座公差。 Couplings and Guards联轴器和护罩 Coupling faces shall be perpendicular to the axis of the coupling within 0.0001 in./in. (0.1 μm/mm) of face diameter or 0.0005 in. (13 μm) TIR, whichever is greater.
联轴器端面必须垂直于联轴器轴线,应在 0.0001 英寸/英寸(0.1 微米/毫米)的端面直径或 0.0005 英寸(13 微米)TIR 范围内,以较大者为准。 For vertical pumps equipped with mechanical seals and without integral thrust bearings, the coupling shall be a rigid adjustable-type type with spacer length sufficient to permit replacement of the seal assembly, including the sleeve, without removal of the driver (see 7.2.2).
对于装有机械密封且没有整体推力轴承的立式泵,联轴器应为刚性可调式,其加长段应足以允许在不卸下驱动装置的情况下更换密封组件(包括套筒)(见 7.2.2)。
::: tip
::: For vertical pumps equipped with mechanical seals and with integral thrust bearings, the coupling arrangement shall have spacer length sufficient to permit replacement of the seal assembly, including the sleeve, without removal of the driver. One of the following arrangements may be provided:
::: tip
- a) an all-metal flexible element, spacer-type coupling located between the thrust bearing and driver shafts, and no coupling between the mechanical seal and the thrust bearing housing;
::: tip
- b) a rigid adjustable, spacer-type coupling between the pump and thrust bearing housing shafts, and an all-metal flexible element, non-spacer-type coupling between the thrust bearing and driver shafts (see Figure 42).
泵和止推轴承箱轴之间的刚性可调加长段式联轴器,以及止推轴承和驱动器轴之间的全金属弹性元件无加长段式联轴器(见图 42)。
::: tip
NOTE The second arrangement with two couplings enables seal replacement without disturbing and lifting the thrust bearing housing. The size and weight of the thrust bearing housing assembly is a consideration in selecting one of these arrangements.
注:带有两个联轴器的第二种布置方式可以在不拆卸止推轴承箱的情况下更换密封件。推力轴承箱组件的尺寸和重量是选择其中一种布置方式的一个考虑因素。 If specified, the mounting plate for double-casing pumps (VS6 and VS7) shall be separate from the main body flange and located sufficiently below it to permit the use of through-bolting on the body flange (see Figure 43).
如果有规定,双壳泵(VS6 和 VS7)的安装板应与主体法兰分开,并位于主体法兰下方,以便在主体法兰上使用通孔螺栓 (见图 43)。
::: tip
NOTE The design shown in Figure 43 results in a higher joint integrity and is often used for critical and cryogenic services.
注:图 43 所示的设计具有更高的连接完整性,通常用于关键和低温服务。 If specified, pumps shall be provided with a separate sole plate for bolting and grouting to the foundation (see Figure 43). This plate shall be machined on its top surface for mounting of the discharge head, can or motor support.
如果有规定,泵应配备单独的底板,用于用螺栓和灌浆固定在地基上 (见图 43)。该底板的上表面必须经过加工,以便安装排出头、罐或电机支架。
==Figure 42 Thrust Bearing Arrangement with Two Couplings==
==图42—带两个联轴器的推力轴承布置== The outside corners of the sole plate or mounting plate imbedded in the grout shall have at least 2 in. (50 mm) radii in the plan view (see Figure D.1).
底板或安装板嵌入灌浆料的外角在平面图上应至少有 2 英寸(50 毫米)的半径(见图 D.1)。 Piping and Appurtenances管线和附件
If mechanical seals and drivers are not installed prior to shipment, the seal piping system shall not be fully assembled.
9.3.9 Testing试验 Pumps shall be tested as complete assemblies. Tests using only bowls and impellers are not recommended. In cases where assembled-unit testing is impractical, the vendor shall submit alternative testing procedures with the proposal. Suction cans, if supplied, are not required for performance testing.
::: tip
::: If specified, a resonance test with the pump unpiped shall be conducted on the pump structure/driver frame assembly. The test shall be performed as follows:
c) excite the assembly by making an impact on the driver frame in the direction of the discharge flange;
d) determine the natural frequencies by the response;
e) excite the assembly by making an impact on the driver frame at 90° to the direction of the discharge flange;
以与排放法兰方向成 90°的角度对驱动架进行冲击激励;
f) determine the natural frequencies by the response.
The natural frequencies so determined shall be at least 10 % below the minimum continuous operating speed or shall be at least 10 % above the maximum continuous operating speed.
所确定的固有频率应至少比最低连续运行速度低 10%,或至少比最高连续运行速度高 10%。
9.3.10 Single-case Diffuser (VS1) and Volute (VS2) Pumps单导流壳泵VS1和蜗壳泵VS2 Line shafts may be open or enclosed. For enclosed line shafts, the type of lubrication shall be approved by the purchaser.
NOTE Open line-shafting is lubricated by the pumped liquid. If the pumped liquid is not suitable as a lubricant, enclosed line-shafting may be provided to ensure a clean lubrication supply for line-shaft bearings.
::: tip
解释:这里说的open line-shafting和enclosed line-shafting区别是,泵轴是否带套管,带套管的就可以把轴承润滑液体与泵送液体分开。
::: The discharge-head mounting surface shall be suitable for both grouting and mounting on a machined sole plate.
::: tip
解释:discharge head就是下图43中的5
::: Thrust restraints are required at the pump if an expansion joint is installed on the discharge nozzle. Design review of the proposed installation and piping by the vendor is recommended.
如果在排放口上安装膨胀节,则需要在泵上安装止推装置。建议由卖方对建议的安装方案和管道系统进行设计审查。 If specified, bowl and line shaft bearings shall be furnished with hardened bearing journals under each bearing.
如果有规定,碗和线轴轴承都必须带有硬化的轴承轴颈(在每个轴承下)。 Unless otherwise specified, integral bushing spiders and rabbeted fits shall be used for all column sizes.
::: tip
解释:integral bushing spiders整体衬套支架如下图,横截面类似于蜘蛛爪。rabbeted fits斜面如下下图。
::: Unless otherwise specified, bowls shall be flanged and shall have metal-to-metal rabbeted fits.
==Figure 43 Optional Mounting for Vertically Suspended, Double-case Pumps (VS6 and VS7) with Sole Plate==
==图43—带底板的垂直悬吊式双壳泵(VS6 和 VS7)的可选安装方式==
9.3.11 Single-casing Axial Flow (VS3) Pumps单泵壳轴向泵VS3 Unless otherwise specified, integral bushing spiders and rabbeted fits shall be used for all column sizes.
::: tip
解释:integral bushing spiders前面解释过了,rabbeted fits前面也解释过了
::: Bowls shall have metal-to-metal rabbeted fits.
9.3.12 Single-casing Line Shaft (VS4) and Cantilever (VS5) Pumps单泵壳线轴泵VS4和悬臂泵VS5 For VS4 pumps, bushings shall be provided to support the shaft and impeller.
对于 VS4 泵,必须提供衬套(导轴承)以支撑轴和叶轮。
::: tip
::: VS5 pumps shall comply with Items a) through d) as follows.
VS5 泵必须符合下列 a) 至 d) 项的规定。
a) The rotor shall be cantilevered from its bearing assembly. Submerged bottom bushings are not used to guide the shaft.
b) The shaft stiffness shall limit total deflection, without the use of a casing bushing, such that the impeller does not contact the pump casing under the most severe dynamic conditions over the complete head-flow curve with a maximum diameter impeller and at the maximum speed and liquid density.
c) Cantilever type pumps shall have their first dry critical speed, for their rotors, 30 % above their maximum allowable continuous speed.
悬臂式泵转子的第一干临界转速应比最大允许连续转速高 30%。
d) For cantilever-type VS5 pumps, the shaft TIR shall not exceed 0.002 in. (50 μm) as measured on the shaft directly above the mechanical seal or stuffing box.
对于悬臂式 VS5 泵,在机械密封或填料函正上方的轴上测量,轴 TIR 不得超过 0.002 英寸 (50 微米)。 The components that constitute the pressure casing of VS4 and VS5 pumps are the casing, suction cover, and discharge line.
构成 VS4 和 VS5 泵的承压泵壳的部件包括外壳、吸入盖和排出管路。 The purchaser shall specify whether sump-pump services for VS4 and VS5 pumps are open-system or closed-system arrangements. For closed-system arrangements with pressure-containing vessels or tanks, the purchaser shall specify the maximum pressure in the vessel or tank as the maximum suction pressure for the pumps.
买方应说明 VS4 和 VS5 泵的工况是开放式系统还是封闭式系统。对于带有含压容器或储罐的封闭系统,买方应规定容器或储罐中的最大压力为泵的最大吸入压力。 For VS4 and VS5 pumps in closed-system arrangements, cover-plate joints shall be vapor-tight as a minimum. For VS4 and VS5 pumps in closed-system arrangements with pressure-containing vessels or tanks, the seal chamber, pump cover plate and tank cover shall be designed to contain the maximum suction pressure specified. The cover-plate design and its mounting interface with the pump-mounting nozzle of the vessel or tank shall be agreed to by the purchaser and vendor.
对于封闭系统布置中的 VS4 和 VS5 泵,盖板接合面至少应是气密的。对于使用含压容器或储罐的封闭系统布置中的 VS4 和 VS5 泵,密封腔、泵盖板和储罐盖的设计应能承受规定的最大吸入压力。盖板设计及其与容器或罐的安装管口应由买方和卖方商定。
NOTE For closed-system arrangements with single small sump pumps, the purchaser and vendor typically agree to pump-mounting nozzles which conform to the pressure ratings and dimensional requirements of ASME B16.5 and ASME B16.47. Larger sump pumps may require special pump-mounting nozzles to accommodate the weight and size of the equipment.
注:对于使用单个小型坑泵的封闭系统布置,买方和卖方通常会同意使用符合 ASME B16.5 和 ASME B16.47 压力额定值和尺寸要求的安装管口。较大型的坑泵可能需要特殊的安装管口,以适应设备的重量和尺寸。 For VS4 pumps, the thrust bearing shall be designed for either grease or oil lubrication. Bushings may be lubricated with water, grease or product, or be self-lubricated.
对于 VS4 泵,止推轴承应设计为油脂或油润滑。衬套可以用水、油脂或产品润滑,也可以自润滑。
::: tip
::: Bearings for VS5 pumps shall be grease-lubricated. The stabilized bearing-housing temperature shall not exceed a 70 °F (39 K) rise above ambient temperature.
VS5 泵的轴承必须使用脂润滑。轴承箱的稳定温度不得高于环境温度 70 °F (39 K)。 Packing shall be supplied on VS4 and VS5 pumps except for closed-system services.
VS4 和 VS5 泵必须提供填料,但封闭系统服务除外。 Mechanical seals, if supplied, shall be located at the cover plate, to seal the vapor in the supply tank or vessel. Mechanical seals normally seal vapor; however, they shall be designed to operate in liquid in the event of tank or vessel overfilling. The seal chamber shall have provisions for a high-point vent.
::: tip
解释:将机械密封安装在cover plate上可以方便更换机械密封。有的泵厂家将机械密封安装在叶轮位置。如下左图所示。这虽然会减少泄露,运行相对稳定,导轴承无需外接润滑,但是是不符合本标准要求的。符合要求的应该是下右图。
::: |
| Lifting lugs shall be provided in the cover plate for lifting the pump assembly, including the driver.
::: tip
::: The discharge nozzle and cover plate shall be designed as required in 6.3.3.
排放管口和盖板的设计应符合 6.3.3 的要求。
NOTE For pumps are mounted in pressure vessels or tanks, the pump-mounting nozzle of the vessel or tank is designed to withstand the allowable nozzle loads. See 6.5 for allowable nozzle loads.
注:对于安装在压力容器或储罐中的泵,容器或储罐的泵安装口应能承受管口的允许载荷。有关管口的允许载荷,请参见 6.5。 Pump-out vanes may be used in lieu of wear rings to reduce leakage back to the sump.
::: tip
解释:Pump-out vanes之前解释过。
::: Typically, spacer couplings are not used on VS4 and VS5 pumps. Coupling hubs shall be supplied with slip fits to the shaft. The coupling hubs and keys shall be secured to the shaft with set-screws to facilitate final coupling adjustment.
VS4 和 VS5 泵通常不使用带加长段联轴器。联轴器毂应与轴滑动配合。联轴器毂和键必须用定位螺钉固定在轴上,以方便联轴器的最终调整。
9.3.13 Double-casing Diffuser (VS6) and Volute (VS7) Pumps双泵壳导流壳泵VS6和蜗壳泵VS7 If specified, bowls and column pipe shall be hydrostatically tested with liquid at a minimum of
1.5 times the maximum differential pressure developed by the bowl assembly. Hydrostatic testing shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of 8.3.2.
如有规定,碗和柱管必须用液体进行静水压测试,压力至少为碗组件产生的最大压差的 1.5 倍。水压试验必须按照 8.3.2 的要求进行。
::: tip
::: Complete outer-case venting shall be ensured by means of a high-point vent connection.
必须通过高点排气连接确保外壳完全通风。 Provision shall be made to ensure complete venting of the inner assembly within the seal chamber or associated auxiliary process piping.
必须确保密封腔或相关辅助工艺管道内的内部组件完全排气。 If specified, the suction shall be supplied with a drain piped to the surface.
::: tip
NOTE A drain is used to remove liquids inside the pump assembly that if not removed, can evaporate and cause a potential hazard when the pump is dismantled.
注:排水管用于清除泵组件内的液体,这些液体如果不清除,在拆卸泵时会蒸发并造成潜在危险。 Column sections shall incorporate integral bushing spiders and rabbeted fits for all column sizes.
所有尺寸的立柱截面都必须有整体衬套支架和斜面配合。 If specified, bowl and line shaft bearings shall be furnished with hardened bearing journals under each bearing.